Presto Development and APIs : Use Presto Connect for Javascript : Use PC4JS in Other Web Applications or Web Sites
Use PC4JS in Other Web Applications or Web Sites
You can use PC4JS outside of custom apps, for other web applicatons or web sites following these steps:
1. Include the PrestoLibrary Loaderin pages that use PC4JSto invoke mashables or mashups:
<script type="text/javascript" src="app-server:port/presto/hub/jsapi/loader.js"/>
The Libary Loader API handles loading all of the libraries and dependencies for PC4JS and any other library installed with Presto that you want to use.
2. Load the PC4JSlibrary using the Presto.loadLibmethod in Library Loader:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/presto/hub/jsapi/loader.js"
Presto.loadLib("presto-core", null, true);
Use this method to load any additional configured libraries that you need. Or use other Library Loader methods to load CSS stylesheets or other JavaScript libraries.
3. Define the URL to the Presto Serverhosting the mashables or mashups you want to work with.
//local connection to same app server
prestoUrl = "/presto";
//remote connection
var prestoUrl = "";
If you omit the URL, this defaults to the local host using the default Tomcat port ( http://localhost:8080/presto) at runtime.
4. Create a new connection passing a configuration object including:
*prestoURL: with the local or remote URL to Presto defined previously. For example:
var connection = new Presto.Connection({prestoUrl: prestoUrl});
*usernameand password: these properties are only required if the connection must be authenticated and Presto configuration does not handle authentication automatically. See Guest or Authenticated Access with PC4JS to determine whether you need to add credentials to the connection.
For example:
var connection = new Presto.Connection({prestoUrl: ’/presto’, username: 'aUser', password: 'myPassword'});
In previous releases, PC4JS allowed connections to use an authToken obtained from the Presto Server when a user logged in. This is no longer needed.
5. Create a request to invoke a Prestomashable or mashup, supplying any input parameters or optional Prestoheaders as needed.
You can find a sample of the code to invoke a specific mashable or mashup in the Technical Spec tab on the mashable’s or mashup’s artifact page. See Use Mashable/Mashup Technical Specs for more information.
You define a configuration object with properties for the request and provide callbacks for success and failure responses. A simple example would look something like this:
var requestBody = '';
//local connection
var connection = new Presto.Connection({ prestoUrl: "/presto" });

url: "/presto/edge/api/rest/YahooWeatherREST/getData?x-presto-resultFormat=json&p=94102",
type: "get",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
data: requestBody
{ onSuccess: function(response, responseHeaders) {
var result = response;
if(typeof response !== "string") {
result = Object.toJSON(response);
//handle response data
onFailure: function(e) {
//handle error message
The url property identifies the mashable or mashup and operation to invoke. For more information on request configuration properties, see the PC4JS Reference.
The URL can also contain input parameters for the operation and any Presto header passed as a parameter. You can define parameter values literally or programmatically. You can also use Presto attributes to have the Presto Server resolve the parameter value at run time. See Map Presto Attributes to Artifact Input Parameters for more information.
This example also uses one very common Presto header, x-p-resultFormat, as a parameter in the URL to ensure that the response is returned in JSON format. You can also request results in CSV or XML format.
There are many other Presto headers that your can use, however. See Presto Headers/Parameters for a complete list.
See also Paginate Mashable or Mashup Responses.
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