Presto Development and APIs : Presto APIs : Presto Headers/Parameters
Presto Headers/Parameters
Presto Request Headers/Parameters
Presto Response Headers
Obsolete JUMP Headers
Presto provides custom headers/parameters to enable you to:
*Control certain aspects of request processing
*Provide information directly to a mashable
*Override defaults such as credentials for mashables
*Request specific information in the response
These processing flags can be added to requests as either HTTP headers or as parameters in a request URL. You can also add these processing flags in JUMP requests. See Presto Request Headers/Parameters for a complete list.
Requests to run apps may also include some app-specific parameters. See Parameters for App URLs for a list.
Presto may also return specific information as HTTP headers in responses. See Presto Response Headers for a complete list.
In version 2.7 and earlier, Presto header/parameters were JUMP headers. JUMP is supported in 3.0 and above, although it has been deprecated. Some JUMP headers are no longer supported in versions 3.0 and above. See Obsolete JUMP Headers for more information.
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