sag_connectivity_cpp.hpp File Reference

Contains the C++ implementation of the underlying datatypes used by connectivity plugins and their accessors. More...

#include <sag_connectivity_c.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sag_internal/cpp_stdlib.hpp>
#include <sag_internal/connectivity_namespace_version.h>
#include <bits/data_t.hpp>
#include <bits/custom_t.hpp>
#include <bits/functions.hpp>
#include <bits/buffer_t.hpp>
#include <bits/list_t.hpp>
#include <bits/map_t.hpp>
#include <bits/metadata_t.hpp>
#include <bits/message.hpp>
#include <bits/visitors.hpp>
#include <bits/map_extractor.hpp>
#include <sag_internal/data.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  com::softwareag::connectivity::custom_t< T >
 A wrapper type for holding arbitrary objects inside a data_t. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::data_t
 A variant type which can be one of the following: More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::custom_t< T >
 A wrapper type for holding arbitrary objects inside a data_t. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::buffer_t
 A class that holds an untyped byte buffer. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::list_t
 A list class which implements many of the functions on std::vector. More...
struct  com::softwareag::connectivity::list_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING >
 Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::map_t
 A map class which implements many of the functions on std::map. More...
struct  com::softwareag::connectivity::map_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING, PAIR >
 Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::metadata_t
 A map class which implements many of the functions on std::map. More...
struct  com::softwareag::connectivity::metadata_t::_iterator< DATA, UNDERLYING, PAIR >
 Forward/reverse and const/non-const iterators are implemented using this class. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::Message
 A container for an payload and associated metadata. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::visitor< DERIVED, RV >
 Helper class for writing visitors to apply to data_t. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::const_visitor< DERIVED, RV >
 Helper class for writing visitors to apply to data_t. More...
class  com::softwareag::connectivity::MapExtractor
 Provides a compile-time type-safe way to extract values from a map_t, with user-friendly error messages identifying the map and key within the map if any item is missing. More...


 Contains classes relating to the connectivity system.


typedef sag_underlying_decimal_t com::softwareag::connectivity::decimal_t
 Decimals are implemented with an underlying 64bit int conforming to IEEE 754 decimal 64. More...


template<typename V >
V::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::apply_visitor (const V &v, data_t &t)
 Apply a visitor (using the boost::static_visitor pattern) to the given data_t. More...
template<typename V >
V::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::apply_visitor (const V &v, const data_t &t)
 Apply a visitor (using the boost::static_visitor pattern) to the given data_t. More...
template<typename T >
get_details::GetVisitor< const T >::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::get (const data_t &t)
 Get the contents of a data_t, given the type. More...
const data_t & com::softwareag::connectivity::get< const data_t & > (const data_t &t)
 Specialization to be a pass-through, for use in a templated context. More...
template<typename T >
get_details::GetVisitor< T >::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::get (data_t &t)
 Get the contents of a data_t, given the type. More...
data_t & com::softwareag::connectivity::get< data_t & > (data_t &t)
 Specialization to be a pass-through, for use in a templated context. More...
template<typename T >
get_details::GetVisitor< custom_t< T > >::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::get_custom (data_t &t)
 Get the contents of the data_t as a typed custom_t. More...
template<typename T >
get_details::GetVisitor< const custom_t< T > >::result_type com::softwareag::connectivity::get_custom (const data_t &t)
 Get the contents of the data_t as a typed custom_t. More...
template<typename T >
com::softwareag::connectivity::convert_to (const data_t &d)
 Get a T from a data_t, parsing it from a string if necessary/possible. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< get_underlying< T >::value, std::string >::type com::softwareag::connectivity::to_string (const T &t)
 Get a string representation of t. More...
size_t com::softwareag::connectivity::length (const data_t &d)
 Get the length of the object contained in the data_t. More...

Detailed Description

Contains the C++ implementation of the underlying datatypes used by connectivity plugins and their accessors.