Apama 10.15.5 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Graph Objects | XY graph | XY graph: Y-Axis group
XY graph: Y-Axis group
Properties in this group control the visibility and scaling of the y-axis, as well as y-axis label formats and y-axis divisions. They also control whether there is a single y-axis, or one per trace.
Y-Axis group properties
The group includes the following properties:
* yAxisAutoScaleMode
* yAxisFlag
* yAxisFormat
* yAxisLabel
* yAxisLabelTextHeight
* yAxisMajorDivisions
* yAxisMinLabelWidth
* yAxisMinorDivisions
* yAxisMultiRangeFlag
Select one of the following modes to control the y-axis range:
*Off: The yValueMin and yValueMax properties determine the range of the y-axis. This is the default.
*On: The dashboard calculates the y-axis range according to data values being plotted.
*On - Include Min/Max: The dashboard calculates the smallest range (with rounding) that includes both yValueMin and yValueMax as well as all plotted points.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Select to display the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Sets the numeric format of values displayed on the y-axis.
Select or enter a format. Use syntax from the Java DecimalFormat class.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specifies the y-axis label.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specifies the height in pixels of the y-axis labels.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specifies the number of major divisions on the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specifies the minimum width in pixels for the y-axis labels.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Specifies the number of minor divisions on the y-axis.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.
Select to enable one axis per trace with each trace having its own range.
This property is in the Y-Axis property group.