Apama 10.15.5 | Building and Using Apama Dashboards | Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends | Graph Objects | Heat map | Heat map: Data format group
Heat map: Data format group
Properties in this group control the format of tooltip-displayed data, as well as the mapping from color data to colors.
Data group properties
The group contains the following properties:
* colorValueFormat
* linearColorMappingFlag
* maxColor
* minColor
* sizeValueFormat
Sets the numeric format of the color value displayed in tooltips. Use syntax from the Java DecimalFormat class. To enable tooltips, select the mouseOverFlag.
This property is in the Data Format property group.
If selected, possible aggregation result values that are in between those mapped to minColor and maxColor are mapped through interpolation, using the colors between minColor and maxColor arranged in gradient order. If deselected, the interpolation uses the colors arranged in color-wheel order.
This property is in the Data Format property group.
Sets the maximum color. Possible node colors range from the minColor to maxColor. See Mapping from possible aggregation results to colors.
This property is in the Data Format property group.
Sets the minimum color. Possible node colors range from the minColor to maxColor. See Mapping from possible aggregation results to colors.
This property is in the Data Format property group.
Sets the numeric format of the size value displayed in tooltips. Use syntax from the Java DecimalFormat class. To enable tooltips, select the mouseOverFlag.
This property is in the Data Format property group.