Apama 10.15.5 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.3 | Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.5.3
Miscellaneous enhancements and changes in 10.5.3
Apama 10.5.3 includes the following miscellaneous enhancements and changes:
*Apama 10.5.3 incorporates the ICU (International Components for Unicode) time-zone data update 2020a, which is the most recent update at the time of release. This will update time-zone data used by the correlator and Time Format EPL plug-in.
*You can now enable verbose garbage collection logging and application event logging by using the --loglevel option of the correlator executable or by using a YAML configuration file on correlator startup. In previous releases, this was only possible for a running correlator via the -r option of the engine_management tool. As a result, these messages are now logged with a DEBUG prefix when enabled, rather than INFO. There is also a small change to the format of the messages logged. See also Viewing garbage collection and application events information.
*It is now possible to monitor the status for the MemoryStore via the user status mechanism. See also Monitoring status for the MemoryStore.
*The REST API and Prometheus now provide statistics information about the number of threads in use by the JVM: jvmNumThreads (REST API) and sag_apama_correlator_jvm_num_threads (Prometheus). These statistics will exist when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is embedded in the correlator has been enabled. See also List of correlator status statistics.
*The @since tag can now be used in ApamaDoc comments on event members and constants as well as for events and actions. See also Inserting ApamaDoc tags.