Apama 10.15.5 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in EPL | Using EPL Plug-ins | Using the MemoryStore | Monitoring status for the MemoryStore
Monitoring status for the MemoryStore
The MemoryStore provides status values via the user status mechanism. It provides the following metrics:
*memStoreCommitTimeEwmaLongMillis — A longer-term exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to commit to the MemoryStore (in-memory store and on-disk persistence).
*memStoreCommitTimeEwmaShortMillis — A quickly-evolving exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to commit to the MemoryStore (in-memory store and on-disk persistence).
*memStoreCommitTimeMaxInLastHour — The maximum commit latency in milliseconds since the start of the last 1 hour measurement period for the MemoryStore (in-memory store and on-disk persistence).
*distMemStoreCommitTimeEwmaLongMillis — A longer-term exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to commit to the distributed MemoryStore.
*distMemStoreCommitTimeEwmaShortMillis — A quickly-evolving exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) of the time in milliseconds taken to commit to the distributed MemoryStore.
*distMemStoreCommitTimeMaxInLastHour — The maximum commit latency in milliseconds since the start of the last 1 hour measurement period for the distributed MemoryStore.
The above MaxInLastHour values (for both the MemoryStore and the distributed MemoryStore) are updated if either of the following conditions is true:
*The latency of current commit transaction is greater than the existing maximum.
*The existing maximum value was set more than 1 hour ago.
For more information about monitor status information published by the correlator, see Managing and Monitoring over REST and Watching correlator runtime status.