Event ConnectivityPlugins

Utilities for interacting with connectivity plug-ins.
Action summary
 com.softwareag.connectivity.Chainstatic createDynamicChain(string chainInstanceId, sequence<string> channels, string chainDefnName, dictionary<stringstring> substitutions, string defaultChannelTowardsHost)

Create and start a chain instance from the given chain definition listed in dynamicChains in the configuration file.
 com.softwareag.connectivity.Chainstatic getChainByChannel(string channel, string direction)

Look up a chain instance by a channel it is subscribed to or sending to.
 com.softwareag.connectivity.Chainstatic getChainById(string chainInstanceId)

Look up a chain instance by its identifier. This can retrieve dynamically created chains, as well as statically created chains from 'startChains' in the correlator configuration.
 voidstatic onApplicationInitialized()

Should be called by EPL applications after all EPL has been injected and initialized, to indicate that the application is ready to receive events from connectivity plug-ins.
Action detail


com.softwareag.connectivity.Chain static createDynamicChain(string chainInstanceId, sequence<string> channels, string chainDefnName, dictionary<stringstring> substitutions, string defaultChannelTowardsHost)
Create and start a chain instance from the given chain definition listed in dynamicChains in the configuration file.

This action returns a Chain that has already been created and started. It is immediately able to receive events.
chainInstanceId - The unique identifier to use for the new chain instance. This identifier is used for logging, and for looking up existing Chain objects by id.
channels - The list of channels this chain should subscribe to
chainDefnName - The name of a chain definition listed under dynamicChains in the configuration file
substitutions - Dictionary providing values for
dynamic substitution variables in the chain definition
defaultChannelTowardsHost - Default channel to use for sending a message towards the host if no channel is specified on the message. Use an empty string for no default channel. It is an error to specify non-empty defaultChannelTowardsHost value if defaultChannel is also specified for the host plug-in.
A Chain object which can be used to destroy this chain later


com.softwareag.connectivity.Chain static getChainByChannel(string channel, string direction)
Look up a chain instance by a channel it is subscribed to or sending to.

There must be exactly one chain matching the requested combination of channel and direction, else an exception is thrown.

The direction of the channel specifies how the channel is used by the chain instance. The TOWARDS_TRANSPORT direction means that the channel is one of the channels that the chain instance is subscribed to to receive events from the host. The TOWARDS_HOST direction means that the channel is used by the chain instance as the default channel to deliver events from the transport to the host.
channel - The channel to use for lookup.
direction - Specifies the direction in which the channel is used by the chain instance. Use the constants defined in the Direction event for string literals.
See Also:


com.softwareag.connectivity.Chain static getChainById(string chainInstanceId)
Look up a chain instance by its identifier. This can retrieve dynamically created chains, as well as statically created chains from 'startChains' in the correlator configuration.

An exception is thrown if no chain exists with this identifier.
chainInstanceId - The unique identifier of the chain instance
The chain instance


void static onApplicationInitialized()
Should be called by EPL applications after all EPL has been injected and initialized, to indicate that the application is ready to receive events from connectivity plug-ins.

This will also enable reception of JMS events if correlator-integrated JMS is enabled (That is, it implicitly calls JMSPlugin.onApplicationInitialized)

Invoking this action more than once is an error and will throw an exception.