Package com.apamax.matlab

Event summary
CloseSessionRequestCloses a MATLAB process. Uses Matlab API function engClose.
CloseSessionResponseValidation of CloseSessionRequest.
EvaluateRequestEvaluates an expression for the MATLAB engine session and returns textual output from evaluating the expression (including possible error messages). Uses Matlab API function engEvalString.
EvaluateResponseValidation of EvaluateRequest.
GetFloatRequestGets a float variable from MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engGetVariable. NOTE: Maximum name size is currently 256 characters. A change would require recompiling the plug-in.
GetFloatResponseValidation of GetFloatRequest.
GetFloatSequenceRequestGets a float sequence variable from MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engGetVariable. NOTE: maximum name size is currently 256 characters. A change would require recompiling the plug-in.
GetFloatSequenceResponseValidation of GetFloatSequenceRequest.
GetMatrixRequestGets a two-dimensional matrix variable from MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engGetVariable. NOTE: maximum name size is currently 256 characters. A change would require recompiling the plug-in.
GetMatrixResponseValidation of GetMatrixRequest.
GetVisibleRequestReturns the current visibility setting for MATLAB engine session. Uses Matlab API function engGetVisible.
GetVisibleResponseValidation of GetVisibleRequest.
MatlabManagerThis MATLAB plug-in allows the user to connect to and use the MATLAB Engine.
MatlabServiceConfigThis sets up the debug channel for the MATLAB engine.
OpenSessionRequestStarts a MATLAB process for the purpose of using MATLAB as a computational engine. Uses Matlab API function engOpen if singleUse = false and engOpenSingleUse if singleUse = true. Single Use is unavailable on Linux.
OpenSessionResponseValidation of OpenSessionRequest.
PutFloatRequestPuts a float variable into MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engPutVariable.
PutFloatResponseValidation of PutFloatRequest.
PutFloatSequenceRequestPuts a float sequence variable into MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engPutVariable. NOTE: Maximum name size is currently 256 characters. A change would require recompiling the plug-in.
PutFloatSequenceResponseValidation of PutFloatSequenceRequest.
PutMatrixRequestPuts a two-dimensional matrix variable into MATLAB engine workspace. Uses Matlab API function engEval. NOTE: maximum name size is currently 256 characters. A change would require recompiling the plug-in.
PutMatrixResponseValidation of PutMatrixRequest.
SetVisibleRequestMakes the window for the MATLAB engine session either visible or invisible on the Windows desktop. Uses Matlab API function engSetVisible.
SetVisibleResponseValidation of SetVisibleRequest.

Monitor summary
MatlabServiceThis is the MatlabService which automatically instantiates a MatlabManager and its respective listeners into the main context when loaded.