Event StatusError

Sent when there is an error state.
Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "StatusReport"

The channel to subscribe to for receiving this event.
Field summary

Service ID to subscribe to - blank will target all services.

Object to request status of.

SubService ID to subscribe to.

Connection to subscribe to.

Status description.

Whether the subscription has been terminated.
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "StatusReport"
The channel to subscribe to for receiving this event.
Field detail


string connection
Connection to subscribe to.

Some services may expose several services. The interpretation of this string is adapter-specific.


string description
Status description.

A free-form text string giving a description of the status.


boolean failed
Whether the subscription has been terminated.

Any subscribers will need to send a new SubscribeStatus request after this.


string object
Object to request status of.

This may include: "Connection" - whether connected or not "MarketState" - a market may be "Open", "Closed", or other states


string serviceID
Service ID to subscribe to - blank will target all services.


string subServiceID
SubService ID to subscribe to.

Some services may expose several services. The interpretation of this string is adapter-specific.