Event DataViewUpdateItem

Contains updated DataView Item fields. Use this to update the fields.

Direction: From the customer Monitor to the DataViewService.
Field summary

[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".

The unique name of the DataView.

The ID of the Item within the DataView (may be -1 if using keyFields instead).

The timestamp of the update (seconds since epoch). If the value given is -1.0 then the service will populate it using correlator currentTime.

Sequence of field values in string form.

[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.
Field detail


integer dvItemId
The ID of the Item within the DataView (may be -1 if using keyFields instead).


string dvName
The unique name of the DataView.


[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.

To avoid collisions with keys that may be added to the product in future, all user-defined extraParams should start with a prefix identifying the application or organisation they were added for.


Sequence of field values in string form.


string msgId
[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".


float timeStamp
The timestamp of the update (seconds since epoch). If the value given is -1.0 then the service will populate it using correlator currentTime.