Event DataViewException

Indicates that an exception occurred within the DataViewService, and indicates the name of the specific DataView.

Direction: From the DataViewService to the customer Monitor.
Field summary

[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".

The unique name of the DataView.

The message in the exception. This is designed to be human readable, and may change between implementations/versions, hence the wildcard.

[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.
Field detail


string dvName
The unique name of the DataView.


[OPTIONAL] Some implementations may choose to make use of this field.


string message
The message in the exception. This is designed to be human readable, and may change between implementations/versions, hence the wildcard.


string msgId
[OPTIONAL] A messageId that applications may choose to use to identify "responses".