Event FindManagedObjectResponseAck

Response from Cumulocity when it has completed searching for managed objects.

These events are sent to the FindManagedObjectResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel.
Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "cumulocity.finddevice.response"

The channel to which FindManagedObject responses are sent from the transport.
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Monitors subscribed to FindManagedObjectResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL should already receive these events.]
Field summary

Request identifier.

True if an error was received during this FindManagedObject request.

Status code from the final response.

If there is an error, typically this will be the error message parsed from the error event else empty.
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "cumulocity.finddevice.response"
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Monitors subscribed to FindManagedObjectResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL should already receive these events.]
The channel to which FindManagedObject responses are sent from the transport.
Field detail


boolean error
True if an error was received during this FindManagedObject request.


string errorDetails
If there is an error, typically this will be the error message parsed from the error event else empty.


integer reqId
Request identifier.

Equal to the reqId in the FindManagedObject event.


integer statusCode
Status code from the final response.