Event AdapterConnectionOpened

Sent by a transport/codec running inside the IAF to notify the IAFStatusManager that a connection to the external system the adapter communicates with has been successfully established.

This is optional, and may be used to provide a way for IAFStatusManager clients to be notified immediately about connectivity changes, without waiting for the IAFStatusManager to poll the adapter for status. If the adapter sends this event, all fields must be consistent with the values provided in the adapter's getStatus() implementations.
Field summary

The name of the adapter's codec as it is specified in the adapter configuration file.

The name of the adapter's transport as it is specified in the adapter configuration file.

A unique identifier for the connection.

Connection generation identifier.
Field detail


string codecName
The name of the adapter's codec as it is specified in the adapter configuration file.


string connectionGeneration
Connection generation identifier.

This uniquely identifies a successful connection attempt for the connectionName connection. If the connection fails, and then is successfully connected again, this will change. The connectionGeneration is often a number that is initialized with a timestamp when the adapter is created, then incremented every time it reconnects.


string connectionName
A unique identifier for the connection.

If the adapter manages more than one connection, this should be the same as the connection name returned by the adapter as a "CONNECTION_connectionName" key from getStatus() (but without the "CONNECTION_" prefix), or "" if the adapter only manages one connection.

The connectionName is often a number but could be a string. One event should be sent for each connection the adapter manages.


string transportName
The name of the adapter's transport as it is specified in the adapter configuration file.