Event FormRequest
The event wraps a Request to support HTML form encoding.
It expects a dictionary payload to encode to either "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content types. The execute action should be used for executing the request which sends the event to an appropriate HTTP transport which performs the HTTP request and returns the response.
Example: dictionary payload := {"foo":"bar", "abc":"def"};
HttpOptions httpOptions := new HttpOptions;
httpOptions.headers["content-type"] := "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
FormRequest(transport.createRequest(RequestType.POST, "/", payload, httpOptions), new dictionary).execute(handleResponse);
- See Also:
- com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Request -
- Sends:
- com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.FormRequest -
- Listens:
- com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response -
dictionary<string, dictionary<string, string>> formMetadata
The form metadata for requests with content-type "multipart/form-data". Empty for "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Request request
The wrapped Request event.
void execute(action<com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response> responseHandler)
Send the request to an appropriate HTTP client transport chain instance and execute the callback on the response which could be either success or failure.- Parameters:
- responseHandler - The callback action to handle the response.
void executeWithSeparateCallbacks(action<com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response> success, action<com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response> failure)
Send the request to an appropriate HTTP client transport chain instance and execute the appropriate callback on the response.- Parameters:
- success - The callback action to handle the success response.
- failure - The callback action to handle the failure response.
- Sends:
- com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.FormRequest -
- Listens:
- com.softwareag.connectivity.httpclient.Response -