Package TimeZone

Event summary
AFRICAGeographical time zones for Africa.
AMERICAGeographical time zones for the Americas.
ANTARCTICAGeographical time zones for Antarctica.
ARCTICGeographical time zones for the Arctic.
ASIAGeographical time zones for Asia.
ATLANTICGeographical time zones for the Atlantic Ocean.
AUSTRALIAGeographical time zones for Australia.
BRAZILGeographical time zones for Brazil.
CANADAGeographical time zones for Canada.
CHILEGeographical time zones for Chile.
ETCMiscellaneous time zones.
EUROPEGeographical time zones for Europe.
INDIANGeographical time zones for the Indian Ocean.
MEXICOGeographical time zones for Mexico.
PACIFICGeographical time zones for the Pacific Ocean.
USGeneric time zones for the USA.