Apama 10.15.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.0 | Removed and deprecated features in 10.5.0
Removed and deprecated features in 10.5.0
The following Apama features are now deprecated or have been removed in Apama 10.5.0:
*Apama's Event Modeler in Software AG Designer is no longer supported and has been removed. This includes any associated scenario files (.sdf), scenario block files (.bdf), scenario function files (.fdf), PySys test support (CorrelatorHelper.injectScenario() was removed), Ant macro definitions in apama-macros.xml (see also the list below), and engine_deploy support (the command-line option --generateEventModelerConfig was removed). See also the announcement in Removed and deprecated features in 9.12. The Scenario Browser view and the Scenario Service API are still fully supported, but they are now used only for DataViews and queries.
You have to re-export or edit all Ant scripts exported from Software AG Designer - even if they do not use scenarios - as several scenario-related macros and macro attributes that were present in the default build.xml file have now been removed.
To manually edit your build.xml file:
*remove the line that calls <generate-event-modeler-config .../>, and
*edit the line <inject-project-init-list .../> to remove the following attributes:
If your project uses scenarios and/or you have customized your build.xml file, you have to make additional changes.
If you wish to clean up your build.xml file to remove redundant scenario-related items, the full list of removed items is:
*The following properties have been removed:
*The following attributes have been removed from inject-project-init-list:
In addition, temp-location= is no longer needed. So it is recommended that you remove this.
*The following macros have been removed:
*Python 2.7 is no longer supported. You should therefore port any PySys testcases written for Python 2.7 to Python 3.x when possible. Python 2.7 is no longer being tested by Software AG but may continue to work with PySys. You can choose to continue to use your own installation of Python 2.7 at your own risk. See also the announcement in Removed and deprecated features in 10.3.0.
*The Cumulocity IoT transports for 9.0 and 9.8 have been removed. A new version (10.5) of the Cumulocity IoT transport connectivity plug-in is now available. See Migrating the Cumulocity IoT transports to 10.5 for details.
*The requestAllDevices configuration option for configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport is now deprecated. You should now explicitly request for all available devices on startup using the com.apama.cumulocity.FindManagedObject API.
The pageSize and useBatching configuration options for configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport are now also deprecated and have been removed from the documentation. This is now handled automatically. Specifying values for either of these configuration options will be ignored.
See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport.
*The documentation for the old C and C++ EPL plug-in APIs that were supported until version 9.12 has been removed. These APIs are deprecated since 10.0 and will be removed in a future release (see also New API for writing EPL plug-ins in C++ in 10.0). For details on the current C++ EPL plug-in API, see Writing EPL Plug-ins in C++. For your convenience, the information on how to migrate the old plug-ins has been added to the Release Notes for 10.0; see Migrating the C and C++ EPL plug-ins written in 9.12 or earlier.
*com::apama::setLogFD has been removed from the C++ API. If you are using this, it is recommended that you use setLogFile instead. See also the API Reference for C++ (Doxygen).
*For the Java and C++ connectivity plug-ins, the LOGGER field and use of the legacy constructor signatures that do not use TransportConstructorParameters or CodecConstructorParameters have been removed.
For C++, the following macros have been removed:
See also the announcement in Removed and deprecated features in 10.0.
In addition, the previously deprecated name field was removed from the C++ connectivity plug-ins. You should now use pluginName instead.
*Calling a non-static action on a type is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, you should now call the method directly on an instance.
For example, you should no longer call a non-static action on a type as follows:
integer range := 100;
Use the following instead:
integer range := 100;
Another example - you should no longer use the following:
event A {
action nonStaticAction() { log "non static" at INFO; }
static action staticAction() { log "static" at INFO; }

A.nonStaticAction(new A); // Results in warning
Use the following instead:
A a = new A;
a.nonStatic(); // This is preferred way
*The enqueue statement (without a to) is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you use the send...to statement instead. For applications which require enqueuing a string rather than an event object, you can either use the any type (where it is an event but not statically known at compile time) or you can switch to a second correlator using the engine_connect tool and the emit statement, which still supports bare strings (for things like &TIME events).
*Use of Universal Messaging from the IAF is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you now change any IAF-based adapter configurations using Universal Messaging with a <universal-messaging> element in the configuration file to use an <apama> element to talk directly to the correlator. See Apama correlator configuration.
*The SOAP-based Web Services Client IAF adapter is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. It is recommended that you now use a REST-based HTTP server and connect to it with the HTTP client transport, if possible (see The HTTP Client Transport Connectivity Plug-in). However, if you really need to communicate with a SOAP-based server, use the webMethods Integration Server and connect to it from Apama using the Digital Event Services transport (see The Digital Event Services Transport Connectivity Plug-in).
*When using FindMeasurement from the Cumulocity API, use of fragmentType as a filter is now deprecated. You should instead use both of valueFragmentType and valueFragmentSeries together to filter measurements. Use of just one will be significantly slower. See also Querying for measurements.