Removed and deprecated features in 10.0
The following Apama features are now deprecated or have been removed in Apama 10.0:
unsubscribe() and
sendToDES() actions on the auto-generated EPL representations of
Digital Event Services types are now deprecated. The channel name is now accessed via the static
CHANNEL constant on the EPL type. For more information, see
Digital Event Services
connectivity from EPL.
For the Java and C++ connectivity plug-ins, the
LOGGER field and use of the legacy constructor signatures that do not use
TransportConstructorParameters or
CodecConstructorParameters are now deprecated.
For C++, the following macros are now deprecated:
SAG_DECLARE_CONNECTIVITY_CODEC SAG_DECLARE_CONNECTIVITY_TRANSPORT Support for the old APIs for writing EPL plug-ins in C and C++ is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. EPL plug-ins should now be written using the new C++ API. See also
New API for writing EPL plug-ins in C++ in 10.0.
Dashboard support for applet deployment is no longer supported. The available deployment options are therefore Web Start, Local, or display server.
The following information pertains to the Log File Manager plug-in (
LoggingManager) which has been removed in 9.12, except for the associated bundle which was only removed in 10.0. If you still have the deprecated Logging Manager bundle in an Apama project, this results in an error indicating that the
LoggingManager.bnd bundle cannot be found. To remove the Logging Manager bundle from an Apama project in Software AG Designer, proceed as follows:
1. Select the project, invoke the context menu and choose Properties.
2. In the properties dialog, select Apama > MonitorScript Build Path.
3. Go to the Bundles tab.
4. Select the Cannot read bundle file message and click Remove.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of the bundle instance files.