Apama 10.15.3 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.0 | Miscellaneous changes in 10.5.0 affecting backwards compatibility
Miscellaneous changes in 10.5.0 affecting backwards compatibility
The following changes in Apama 10.5.0 affect backwards compatibility to previous Apama versions:
*It is no longer possible to define a stream listener which executes a single statement without braces. Now you must always specify a full block. See also Using output from streams.
*Some expressions including calls to action variables did not correctly implement the documented left-to-right execution order within the expressions. In 10.5, we have changed the order of execution of such expressions to match the documentation and the behavior of other similar expressions.
*When logging from EPL, the default log level (if you do not specify a log level with at) has been changed from CRIT to INFO. See also Specifying log statements.
*Java logging in Apama now uses Log4j 2 rather than Log4j 1. For more information, see Change of Java Log4j logging library in 10.5.0 and the announcement in Removed and deprecated features in 10.3.1.
*The timeout for scenario operations in the Java Scenario Service API has been increased from 60 seconds to 5 minutes. Timeouts in instance creation, deletion and editing are now also logged at WARN level.
*Your applications must now call onApplicationInitialized() in the correlator before sending requests to the HTTP server. Any requests that are sent before calling this method will fail with a 503 Host Not Ready response code. See Sending and receiving events with connectivity plug-ins for more information on onApplicationInitialized().
*With the Cumulocity IoT transport, the url configuration option is now mandatory. The configuration of a tenant identifier (tenant configuration option) is now optional. See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport.
*The Python interpreter supported by Apama has been upgraded from 3.6 to 3.7. For most users no changes will be necessary to your code, but new features may be available in 3.7. If you are not using the version of Python distributed with the full installation, you will have to update your Python installation to match.
*The apama-correlator and apama-builder images published on Docker Hub and other locations now use Red Hat's Universal Base Images for RHEL 7 as their base images, rather than CentOS which was used in previous releases. The apama-cumulocity-jre image still uses Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver).
*The apama-correlator image published on Docker Hub now no longer contains a full JDK. Instead it only contains a JRE suitable for running Java applications in the correlator. If you need to build Java code at runtime, we recommend using a multi-stage build as documented in Building Apama projects during the Docker build. If you must have the full JDK at runtime, then you should use the apama-builder image as your base.
There may also be removed features that affect backwards compatibility. See Removed and deprecated features in 10.5.0 for more information.