Apama 10.15.2 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Adding resources to Apama projects | Adding bundles to projects | Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects | Adding the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in to a project
In Apama applications, you can configure and use the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in provided with Apama.
*To add the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in to a project
1. Add the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in as described in Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects.
In the Project Explorer view, the following files are created in the Connectivity and Adapters > Cumulocity IoT > CumulocityClient node:
2. Double-click the CumulocityIoT.properties file to configure the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in. For further information, see The Cumulocity IoT Transport Connectivity Plug-in.
It is strongly recommended that you do not change the CumulocityIoT.yaml file. You should always set the properties in the CumulocityIoT.properties configuration file, which defines the substitution variables to be used in the CumulocityIoT.yaml file.