Apama 10.15.2 | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Adding resources to Apama projects | Adding bundles to projects | Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects
Adding connectivity and adapter bundles to projects
Bundle instances
Connectivity bundles
Using the Digital Event Services connectivity bundle
Adding the Universal Messaging connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the MQTT connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the HTTP server connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the HTTP client connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the Kafka connectivity plug-in to a project
Adding the Cumulocity IoT connectivity plug-in to a project
Removing a bundle instance
*To add a connectivity bundle or an adapter bundle to a project
*There are two ways of adding a connectivity bundle or an adapter bundle to a project.
*If you are creating a new Apama project: Select File > New > Apama Project, give it a name, and click Next. Select the connectivity bundle or the adapter bundle that is appropriate for your application. Click Finish. For more information, see Creating Apama projects.
*If you are adding a bundle to an existing project: In the Project Explorer view, right-click the project and select New > Connectivity and Adapters or right-click the Connectivity and Adapters node and select Add Connectivity and Adapters. In the Connectivity and Adapters dialog, select the bundle and create a new name for the bundle instance in the Instance name text box or accept the default instance name. Software AG Designer prevents you from using a name that is already in use. Click OK.
*For the connectivity bundles, the standard-codecs.yaml file and other linked configuration files are shown in the Linked Resources folder. The standard-codecs.yaml contains all the standard codecs defined by Apama; see Codec Connectivity Plug-ins for more information. Also, a .yaml and a .properties file are created in the Connectivity and Adapters > bundle_name > bundle_instance node; see Standard Connectivity Plug-ins for more information. References to bundled EPL files are listed in the Dependent Bundles node, for example, the Connectivity Plug-ins Application Support bundle which contains the EPL event definitions for controlling connectivity plug-in behavior; see the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more information.
*For the adapter bundles, Software AG Designer adds an instance of the adapter to the Connectivity and Adapters node in your project along with the supporting monitors such as IAFStatusManager.mon and the associated service monitors. Reference to bundled files associated with the adapters, such as IAF Status Manager and Status Support are listed in the adapter's Dependent Bundles node. For more information, see Standard IAF Plug-ins as well as The Database Connector IAF Adapter (ADBC).
The standard IAF plug-ins (except for the codec IAF plug-ins) are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
You can add more than one bundle instance for some connectivity bundles and adapter bundles. This allows you to create different configurations of the adapter, for example if your application needs to run with different data providers.