Apama 10.15.1 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing EPL Plug-ins | Writing EPL Plug-ins in Java | Removing EPL plug-ins written in Java from the correlator
Removing EPL plug-ins written in Java from the correlator
To stop and delete a running EPL plug-in written in Java, execute the engine_delete operation:
engine_delete [options_to_identify_correlator] plugin_name
If the plug-in you want to delete is not running on the local host on the default correlator port, be sure to specify options that indicate the correlator that is running the plug-in you want to delete.
Replace plugin_name with the name of the plug-in as specified in the deployment descriptor. This is not necessarily the same as the name of the plug-in's JAR file.
Deleting a plug-in written in Java can only be done when it is not used by any EPL monitors. If the --force option of the engine_delete tool is used, then all monitors importing the plug-in are also deleted.