Apama 10.15.1 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing EPL Plug-ins | Writing EPL Plug-ins in Java
Writing EPL Plug-ins in Java
Creating an EPL plug-in using Java
Using EPL plug-ins written in Java
Steps for developing EPL plug-ins written in Java in Software AG Designer
Java prerequisites for using Apama's API for EPL plug-ins written in Java
Steps for developing EPL plug-ins written in Java manually
Deploying EPL plug-ins written in Java
Removing EPL plug-ins written in Java from the correlator
Creating deployment descriptor files for EPL plug-ins written in Java
Sample EPL plug-ins written in Java
EPL plug-ins can be written in Java. Java plug-in classes are automatically analyzed by the correlator and any suitable methods exposed as methods that can be called from EPL.
EPL plug-ins written in Java are packaged in a JAR file with an XML manifest describing how to load them. They are deployed with the engine_inject tool into a running correlator. Both engine_inject and the correlator need to be started with the --java option.
This section describes the steps required to develop and deploy EPL plug-ins written in Java. You can develop plug-ins with Apama in Software AG Designer or manually, outside Software AG Designer. When you use Software AG Designer, some development steps are performed automatically for you. This section describes all development steps and notes which steps Software AG Designer automatically performs.