Terracotta DB 10.2 | Terracotta DB Installation Guide | Installing using the Software AG Installer
Installing using the Software AG Installer
You can install your licensed Terracotta software using the Software AG Installer. The Software AG Installer is a generic tool for installing Software AG products. See the section Documentation for using the Software AG Installer below for details of use.
Performing the Installation
To perform the installation, proceed as follows:
1. Before you start the Software AG Installer, copy your Terracotta product license file to the file system, so that it can be accessed during the installation procedure.
2. Run the Software AG Installer, as described in the document Using the Software AG Installer (see below for information).
3. In the Product panel, expand the node Terracotta and select the node Terracotta DB. If you want to install just selected components of the product, you can expand this node and select the required components. See the description of the product components in Installation Overview.
4. In the License panel, specify the path of the license file.
5. In all subsequent dialogs, you can select the default settings.
Documentation for using the Software AG Installer
For the installation using the Software AG Installer, refer to the document Using the Software AG Installer. This document describes how to use the Software AG Installer tool.
The usage of the Software AG Installer is the same for all products, so the documentation of the Software AG Installer does not refer in detail to Terracotta products.
To access this document, do the following:
1. Log in to the Software AG documentation web site at http://documentation.softwareag.com/, using the Empower login ID and password that you have received by email when you licensed the product.
2. Select the link for the Software AG Installer.
3. The selected page lists several versions of the installer documentation, each shown with a release date. Select the version of the installer documentation that corresponds to the release date of the Software AG Installer you are using. The release date of the Software AG Installer is generally included in the file name of the downloaded executable file. You can also find the release date of the Software AG Installer by clicking the "About" link when you run the Software AG Installer.

Copyright © 2010-2019 | Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA, Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors.
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