Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Terracotta
Using Command Central to Manage Terracotta
Software AG Command Central is a tool that release managers, infrastructure engineers, system administrators, and operators can use to perform administrative tasks from a centralized location. It assists with configuration, management, and monitoring tasks in a simple and flexible manner.
Terracotta server instances can be managed from Command Central like other Software AG products. Both the Command Line and Web Interfaces of Command Central are supported.
Disk location
The Terracotta related files can be found under {installation_root}/TerracottaDB/server/SPM. This directory contains the following:
1. bin: Contains scripts to start and shut down the server.
2. conf: Contains Terracotta specific configuration files, including tc-config.xml. If any changes to the configuration are required, such as increasing the offheap or changing the server name, the tc-config.xml file needs to be updated manually.
3. logs: Contains Terracotta server and Terracotta Platform Manager Plug-in logs.
Supported Commands
Terracotta supports the following Command Central CLI (Command Line Interface) commands:
1. Inventory
*sagcc list inventory components : Lists information about run-time components.
*sagcc get inventory components : Retrieves information about a specified run-time component.
2. Lifecycle
*sagcc exec lifecycle : Executes a lifecycle action against run-time components. See Lifecycle Actions for Terracotta for Terracotta-specific information about Lifecycle Actions.
3. Monitoring
*sagcc get monitoring state : Retrieves the run-time status and run-time state of a run-time component.
*sagcc get monitoring alerts : Lists the alerts for a specified run-time component.
*sagcc get monitoring runtimestatus : Retrieves the run-time status of a run-time component.
4. Configuration
*sagcc get configuration data : Retrieves data for a specified configuration instance that belongs to a specified run-time component.
*sagcc list configuration types : Lists information about configuration types for the specified run-time component. See Supported Configuration Types for Terracotta-specific information about configuration types.
*sagcc list configuration instances : Retrieves information about a specific configuration instance that belongs to a specified run-time component.
5. Diagnostics
*sagcc list diagnostics logs : Lists the log files that a specified run-time component supports.
*sagcc get diagnostics logs : Retrieves log entries from a log file. Log information includes the date, time, and description of events that occurred with a specified run-time component.
For information about Command Central CLI commands, see the Command Central Help.
Supported Configuration Types
Terracotta supports creating instances of the following configuration types:
*JVM-OPTIONS: The JVM memory settings for the Terracotta Server instance in JAVA_OPTS environment variable format.
Changes to this configuration will be effective upon a server restart.
*TC-SERVER-NAME: The name for the Terracotta Server instance. The default is the hostname of the machine the server is running on. This name should match the server name in the Terracotta configuration file. Therefore, after changing it from Command Central, proceed to the conf directory mentioned in the Disk location section above, and update the tc-config.xml with the same name.
Changes to this configuration will be effective upon a server restart.
Lifecycle Actions for Terracotta
Terracotta supports the following lifecycle actions with the sagcc exec lifecycle CLI command and the Command Central Web Interface:
*Start: Start a server instance.
*Restart: Restart a running server instance.
*Stop: Stop a running server instance.
Runtime Monitoring Statuses for Terracotta
Terracotta can return the following statuses from sagcc get monitoring runtimestatus and sagcc get monitoring state CLI commands and the Command Central Web Interface:
*ONLINE_MASTER: The server instance is running and is the master (Active) in its stripe.
*ONLINE_SLAVE: The server instance is running and is a slave (Passive) in its stripe.
*STARTING: The server instance is starting. This is usually shown when the startup takes longer than expected because either it is a slave (Passive) synchronizing with its master (Active), or it is recovering from an error condition.
*STOPPING: The server instance is stopping.
*STOPPED: The server instance is not running.
*FAILED: The server instance was running, but crashed. Check the server logs to find out the reason.
*UNRESPONSIVE: The server instance is running, but is not responding.
*UNKNOWN: The state of the server instance is not known. This is most likely because of an unexpected exception or error that occurred while trying to fetch the server status.

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