Package com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI

Documentation for the Nirvana Java Administration API. More...

Data Structures

class  nACL
 represents a list of nACLEntry classes used by the Nirvana Realm server to control access to secured objects such as Realms, Channels and Queues. More...
class  nACLEntry
 Contains the mapping between a subject User and the priviliges they can perform on a secured object such as a Realm, Channel or Queue. More...
class  nACLEntryNotFoundException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when an acl entry is not found when an operation is attempted on it More...
class  nAdminIllegalArgumentException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when an illegal argument is passed into a method More...
class  nAdminIllegalStateException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when attempted operations is not allowed due to an invalid admin session state. More...
class  nAdminSecurityException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when attempted operations are not permitted. More...
class  nAuditEvent
 This class contains information for realm auditing. More...
interface  nAuditListener
 Classes that implement this interface can register with the nRealmNode.addAuditListener() to receive the realm's audit events. More...
class  nBaseAdminException
 represents the base class for all admin API exceptions More...
class  nBaseInterface
 Base class for all Admin API interfaces. More...
class  nChannelACLEntry
 Extends the nACLEntry class to supply Channel/Queue specific security settings. More...
class  nChannelConnectionDetails
 This class contains additional information about a channel connection. More...
interface  nClusterConnectionListener
 Any class that implements this interface can be registered against a Nirvana Cluster node to receive notification when remote connections are made or dropped on any of the cluster realm node objects. More...
interface  nClusterConversionStatus
 Provides an interface which allows the status of cluster conversions to be monitored. More...
class  nClusteredTransientStoreException
 Exception thrown when an attempt is made to import clustered channel (or queue) with transient type. More...
interface  nClusterEventListener
 Interface allowing client applications to receive cluster specific callbacks. More...
class  nClusterMemberConfiguration
 This object is used to create/modify clusters. More...
class  nClusterNode
 Contains the status and configuration of a Nirvana cluster. More...
class  nClusterSite
 This class defines a collection of realms within a cluster into a physical site / location. More...
class  nClusterStatus
 This class contains the status of the of a realm within the cluster, What state it has, which node is the elected master etc. More...
class  nClusterStatusEntry
 This class contains online/offline status a realm within a cluster. More...
interface  nCommandStatus
 Any class implementing this interface can be used to find the current status of a request, for example a copy operation of a nLeafNode. More...
class  nConfigEntry
 This class contains all the information about a configuration parameter, including the name, the current value, a description of it and a warning or constrant string. More...
class  nConfigGroup
 This class manages a group of nConfigEntry objects that are related. More...
class  nConfigurationException
 represents the exception thrown when configuration operations fail More...
class  nConnectionDetails
 This class contains the details about an individual connection. More...
interface  nConnectionListener
 Any class that implements this interface can be registered against a Nirvana Realm, Channel or Queue to receive notification when remote connections are made or dropped. More...
class  nContainer
 This represents a node within the Nirvana Realm namespace which contains other nodes, such as a directory or another Realm. More...
interface  nCopyable
 All classes that can be copied from one part of the namespace to another implement this interface. More...
class  nCustomHeader
 This Class represent a single custom header field which will be used by javascript. More...
class  nDataGroupNode
 This class is an Admin API wrapper for a Data Group object (nDataGroup) More...
class  nDataGroupsContainer
 This class is an Admin API wrapper for all configured Data Group objects (nDataGroup) This class also can also be used to obtain all known nDataStream objects, that have been added to the default data group. More...
class  nDataStreamNode
 This class is an Admin API wrapper for a Data Stream object (nDataStream) More...
class  nDuplicateACLEntryException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when a duplicate acl entry is attempted to be added More...
class  nDuplicateChannelNameException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when attempted operations is not allowed due to an invalid admin session state. More...
class  nDuplicateNodeException
 Exception Class for duplicate Node. More...
class  nDurableConnectionNode
 Represents Connection status for a Durable. More...
class  nDurableNode
 Represents the current nDurable status. More...
class  nHTTPInterface
 This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the HTTP interface. More...
class  nHTTPSInterface
 This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the HTTPS interface. More...
class  nInsufficientPrivilegesException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when an operation is performed and there are insufficient privillages to complete it More...
class  nInterface
 Abstract Class nInterface. More...
class  nInterfaceManager
 This class exposes the Realm Servers interface management API so that the control and management of the interfaces can be performed by an authorised Administrator. More...
class  nInterfacePluginConfiguration
 This class contains the plugin static information used by the plugin instances. More...
class  nInterfaceStatus
 Contains the status of a Nirvana Realm server interface. More...
class  nInterfaceViaEntry
 This contains the user parameters which are bound to an Interface. More...
interface  nJoinable
 All classes that can be joined from one part of the namespace to another implement this interface. More...
class  nJoinDetails
 This class contains information about a join between two channels. More...
class  nLeafNode
 This class represents the Nirvana Channel or Queue on the Nirvana Realm. More...
class  nLinkNode
 Since the Nirvana namespace can contain multiple links to Nirvan Realm servers at different parts of the namespace, including namespace loops, this node represents a RealmServer which has been mounted elseware in the namespace. More...
interface  nLogListener
 Classes that implement this interface can register with the nRealmNode.addLogListener() to receive the realms log events. More...
class  nMulticastConfiguration
 Multicast Configuration class. More...
class  nMulticastConfigurationStatus
 Contains the status of a Nirvana Realm server multicast interface. More...
class  nNode
 All classes that exist in the Nirvana Realm NameSpace extend this object. More...
class  nNodeException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when errors occur constructing the nodes to be administered More...
class  nNodeUtilities
 Class that provides some utility functions for nNode operations. More...
class  nPkgDataGroupListener
 Created by IntelliJ IDEA. More...
class  nPluginConfigEntry
 Contains information for a plugin configuration entry. More...
class  nPluginConfiguration
 This class contains the configuration context for a single plugin on a single HTTP type interface. More...
class  nRDMAInterface
 RDMA Interface class. More...
class  nRealmACLEntry
 Extends the nACLEntry class to expose the Realm specific permissions. More...
class  nRealmAdmin
 This class provides basic Administration functionality for security based operations. More...
class  nRealmNode
 This class represents a Realm within the Nirvana namespace. More...
interface  nRemovable
 All classes that can be removed from the namespace implement this interface. More...
class  nScheduler
 This class represents a parsed instance of a Nirvana Realm scheduler. More...
class  nSchedulerBuildHelper
 This is a helper class used in the construction/parsing and validation of Nirvana Realm server Scheduler scripts. More...
class  nSchedulerManager
 Manages the scheduler entries for a realm. More...
class  nSchedulerParseException
 This exception is raised whn parsing a Nirvana Realm Scheduler script with syntax errors. More...
class  nSecurityGroup
 This class represents a "Security Group" that contains entries for nSubject objects, and other nSecurityGroup objects. More...
class  nServiceACLEntry
 Allows the ability to programmatically allow or deny access to a service. More...
class  nSharedMemoryInterface
 Created by IntelliJ IDEA. More...
class  nSocketInterface
 Socket Interface class. More...
class  nSSLInterface
 This class contains all the configuration required by the Nirvana Realm server to start and control the SSL interface. More...
interface  nSSLInterfaceAPI
 This interface is used to expose the SSL attributes for all interfaces that are SSL enabled. More...
class  nTask
 Has details about individual tasks within a scheduler. More...
class  nThreadEntry
 This class is used to represent instances of tasks within a thread pool running within a Nirvana realm Each entry consists of a label and an execution time in milliseconds. More...
class  nThreadPool
 This class is used to represent an instance of a thread pool beign used within a Nirvana realm Each threadpool is known by a name, and has a number of values that can be accessed. More...
class  nTrigger
 This class is used to query a trigger generated by a Scheduler script. More...
class  nUnsupportedCopyException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when a copy operation is attempted but cannot be completed More...
class  nUnsupportedJoinException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when a join operation is attempted but cannot be completed More...
class  nUnsupportedRemoveException
 represents the exception class that is thrown when a remove operation is attempted but cannot be completed More...
class  nZone
 Represents a Zone. More...
class  nZoneManager
 Represents a Zone manager. More...
class  nZoneNode
 Represents a Zone container node. More...
class  nZoneUpdate
 This class represents an update to the state of a Zone against a Realm server for UM. More...

Detailed Description

Documentation for the Nirvana Java Administration API.

Nirvana Administration (nAdminAPI) Package, incorporating all the tools necessary to monitor, configure and manage one or more Nirvana realms and / or clusters of realms.