com.pcbsys.nirvana.client.nDurableManager Class Reference

A Manager for the Durable Subscriptions on a channel. More...

Public Member Functions

nDurable add (nDurableAttributes attributes) throws nIllegalArgumentException, nSessionPausedException, nSecurityException, nChannelNotFoundException, nSessionNotConnectedException, nNameAlreadyBoundException, nRequestTimedOutException, nUnexpectedResponseException
 Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not. More...
void delete (nDurable name) throws nIllegalArgumentException, nSecurityException, nChannelNotFoundException, nSessionNotConnectedException, nSessionPausedException, nNameDoesNotExistException, nRequestTimedOutException, nUnexpectedResponseException
 Removes all references for this name on the realm Server. More...
nDurable get (String name) throws nIllegalArgumentException, nSessionPausedException, nSecurityException, nChannelNotFoundException, nSessionNotConnectedException, nNameDoesNotExistException, nRequestTimedOutException, nUnexpectedResponseException
 Returns an instance nDurable Object called by the string Name. More...
nDurable[] getAll () throws nIllegalArgumentException, nSessionPausedException, nSecurityException, nChannelNotFoundException, nSessionNotConnectedException, nNameDoesNotExistException, nRequestTimedOutException, nUnexpectedResponseException
 Returns all known nDurable objects known on this channel. More...
void unbind (nDurable name) throws nIllegalArgumentException, nSecurityException, nChannelNotFoundException, nSessionNotConnectedException, nSessionPausedException, nNameDoesNotExistException, nRequestTimedOutException, nUnexpectedResponseException
 Unbinds the named object from the current connection. More...

Detailed Description

A Manager for the Durable Subscriptions on a channel.

Member Function Documentation

Creates a named object on the channel with the given name and depending on the persistent flag informs the server to store the name and value to disk or not.

nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume

Removes all references for this name on the realm Server.

namethe name to be removed from the server
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume

Returns an instance nDurable Object called by the string Name.

nameof the nNamedObject
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server or if the name is referring to a non shared Named Object
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume

Returns all known nDurable objects known on this channel.

nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server or if the name is referring to a non shared Named Object
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume

Unbinds the named object from the current connection.

namethe named object to be unbound
nSecurityExceptionis thrown if the caller has insufficient permissions
nChannelNotFoundExceptionif the channel no longer exists
nRequestTimedOutExceptionif the request exceeded the timeout value
nSessionNotConnectedExceptionThe session is not currently connected to the server
nUnexpectedResponseExceptionReceived a response from the server for which we can not deal with, see the message for further information
nIllegalArgumentExceptionPassed am illegal argument. This means the value passed is outside expected limits
nNameDoesNotExistExceptionThe name specified does not exist on the server
nSessionPausedExceptionThe session is currently paused, please resume