Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Built-In Services | Built-In Services | String Services
String Services
Use String services to perform string manipulation and substitution operations.
The following String services are available:
Replaces HTML character entities with native characters.
Replaces HTML-sensitive characters with equivalent HTML character entities.
Decodes a Base-64 encoded string into a sequence of bytes.
Converts a sequence of bytes into a Base64-encoded String.
Converts a sequence of bytes to a String.
Concatenates two strings.
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a sequence of characters in a string.
Returns the length of a string.
Looks up a given key in a hash table and returns the string to which that key is mapped.
Builds a single string by concatenating the elements of a String List.
Formats an array of strings into a given message pattern.
Formats a number into a given numeric pattern.
Converts an object to string representation using the Java toString() method of the object.
Pads a string to a specified length by adding pad characters to the beginning of the string.
Pads a string to a specified length by adding pad characters to the end of the string.
Replaces all occurrences of a specified substring with a substitute string.
Converts a string to a byte array.
Returns a substring of a given string.
Tokenizes a string using specified delimiter characters and generates a String List from the resulting tokens.
Converts all characters in a given string to lowercase.
Converts all characters in a given string to uppercase.
Trims leading and trailing white space from a given string.
Decodes a URL-encoded string.
URL-encodes a string.
A given string is not exactly matched against a set of strings. If the match is above similarityThreshold, it returns the matchedValue. If more than one string has not exactly matched, then the first matched string is returned.
Determines whether the contents of a string can be converted to a float value.
Determines whether a string consists entirely of alphanumeric characters (in the ranges A–Z, a–z, or 0–9).
Checks a string for a null or a blank value.
Determines whether a string follows a specified date pattern.
Replaces a pipeline variable with its corresponding value.
Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings, and indicates whether the strings are identical.