Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Built-In Services | Built-In Services | fuzzyMatch
A given string is not exactly matched against a set of strings. If the match is above similarityThreshold, it returns the matchedValue. If more than one string has not exactly matched, then the first matched string is returned.
Input Parameters
String (Required) Text to be matched. Text should not be empty or null.
String [ ] (Required) Array of strings, which are used for matching. If the string array value is either empty or null, it is not used for matching.
String (Optional) If the inexact match score is above the given threshold, then service output contains the matchedValue parameter. Default value is 0.65. Valid values should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value 0.0 represents no match and value 1.0 represents an exact match.
String (Optional) The algorithm used for an inexact match. Default value is Levenshtein. Supported algorithms are Levenshtein and JaroWinkler.
Output Parameters
String (Optional) If the inexact match is above similarityThreshold, then the returned value contains the matched string.
String (Optional) If the inexact match is above similarityThreshold, then it contains a similarity score. It provides the measure of how close the match is. The returned value can be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value 0.0 represents no match and value 1.0 represents an exact match.
Usage Notes
Search the web for more information about Levenshtein and JaroWinkler algorithms.