Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Applications | Flat File Applications | Flat File Predefined Operations | convertDocumentToFlatFile
Converts a structured data conforming to the given document type structure associated with the Application, to the flattened flat file data.
Input Variables
Document Structure conforming to the Document type created for the corresponding application of this operation.
String Optional. How to position the records in the flat file.
String Whether to create errors in the output.

noEmptyTrailing Fields
String Whether trailing empty fields are to be removed from the output. Used only with records that have delimited fields.

noEmptyTrailing SubFields
String Whether trailing empty subfields are to be removed from the output. Used only with records that have delimited fields.
If no value is specified for the noEmptyTrailingSubFields parameter, Integration Cloud uses the value set for the noEmptyTrailingFields parameter.
Document Optional. The separator characters used to construct the output string. To specify a delimiter, you can specify:
*One character or character representation (for example, *, \n for line terminator, \t for tab)
String Character to use to separate records. If you want to specify the two–character carriage return line feed (CRLF) characters, specify \r\n.
String Character to use to separate fields.
String Character to use to separate subfields.
String Character to use to ignore a record, field, or subfield delimiter in a field. If a release character occurs in a field or subfield before the delimiter, it will be prefixed with release before being written to the output string.
String Character to use to ignore a record, field, or subfield delimiter in a field. If a quoted release character occurs in a field or subfield before the delimiter, it will be prefixed with quotedRelease before being written to the output string. The string is pre- and appended with the quoted release character.
For example, if * is a delimiter, the field value is a*b, and the quoted release character is “, the string appears as “a*b”.
Document Any values mapped to the FormatInfo variable will be passed unmodified to all format operations invoked by convertDocumentToFlatFile and convertFlatFileToDocument.
String Optional. If you want the output returned in a file instead of in the string output variable, provide the name of the file you want created as a result of this operation.
String The type of encoding used to write data to the output file. The default encoding is UTF–8.
String Optional. Whether you want the operation to sort the input records to match the definition and structure of the Flat File Application.
Returns the document as a string or as a byte array instead of a string.
Output Variables
String Data that represents the flat file document.
Object If the input variable returnAsBytes is true, returns the output as a byte array encoded using the specified encoding. The string value is not returned.
Object String array containing messages pertaining to errors that occurred during conversion.
Usage Note
When the convertDocumentToFlatFile operation executes, the field that is defined to start after the end of the fixed length record will not be included in the output data if the following conditions are met:
*The definition and structure of the Flat File Application uses a fixed length record delimiter.
*The definition and structure of the Flat File Application contains a fixed position field that begins beyond the defined length of the fixed length record.
*The input to the convertDocumentToFlatFile operation contains a value for the fixed position field that begins beyond the defined length of the fixed length record.