Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Applications | Flat File Applications
Flat File Applications
Creating a flat file Application manually
Creating a flat file Application from a sample file
Flat File Predefined Operations
You can use the Flat File Application to translate documents into and from flat file formats. To set up the translation, you create the definition and structure of the Flat File Application, which is called a flat file schema. The schema also contains the instructions for parsing or creating the flat file and defines how to identify individual records within a flat file and what data is contained in each of those records.
What is a flat file definition and structure?
The definition and structure of a flat file Application contains the instructions for parsing or creating a flat file. It details the structure of the document, including delimiters, records, and repeated record structures. It also acts as the model against which you can validate an inbound flat file. A flat file structure consists of hierarchical elements that represent each record, field, and subfield in a flat file.
What are the different approaches to create a flat file Application?
You can create a flat file Application using any one of the following approaches:
* Create manually: In this approach, you define the definition and structure of a flat file Application and then manually add the elements or properties.
* Use a sample file: In this approach, you use a sample file to define the definition and structure of a flat file Application. Here, you use the automated wizards to create the structure of the flat file.
What are the high-level steps to create a flat file Application?
Step 1
Define the Application details. In this stage, you define the Application details and the approach. You can create the flat file Application either manually or by using a sample file.
Step 2
Define the record parser and specify a record identifier. In this stage, you associate a record parser with the flat file Application that will process flat files inbound to Integration Cloud. You also specify how you want the record to be identified after it is parsed.
Step 3
Define the flat file structure. If you are creating the flat file Application manually, in this stage, you specify the hierarchical structure of the flat file by creating and nesting the record definitions.
Invoke Operations.
After creating the flat file Application, create an Orchestrated Integration, select the Flat File Application created, and invoke the following predefined operations:
* convertFlatFileToDocument - Converts the flat file to a document (inbound)
* convertDocumentToFlatFile - Converts a document to a flat file (outbound)