Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.7 | Capital Markets Foundation | Order Management | Risk firewall | Creating risk firewalls | Deleting risk firewalls
Deleting risk firewalls
To delete a risk firewall, execute the com.apama.firewall.RiskFirewall.delete() action. This action cleans up data and listeners created by the risk firewall.
If you call the delete() action on a risk firewall that you created with RiskFirewall.create() (or createCb()) then this action deletes the risk firewall itself. Also, any risk firewall instances that were connected to the deleted risk firewall no longer operate correctly.
If you call the delete() action on a risk firewall that you connected to with RiskFirewall.connect() (or connectCb()) then this action cleans up any resources and disconnects from the remote risk firewall, but does not delete the remote risk firewall itself.
The risk firewall you are deleting must not have been deleted previously.
The delete() action is not asynchronous.