Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.7 | Capital Markets Foundation | Order Management | Risk firewall
Risk firewall
Understanding risk firewalls
Creating risk firewalls
Connecting to risk firewalls
Configuring risk firewall factories
Configuring risk firewall instances
Setting up risk firewall evaluation rules
Persisting rule class instances
Unlocking and locking risk firewalls
Sending orders into a risk firewall
Receiving approved orders from a risk firewall
Handling orders rejected by a risk firewall
Processing order updates
Considerations when implementing multiple firewalls
Sample code for creating risk firewalls in multiple monitors
Implementing custom risk firewall rule classes
Configuring a risk firewall to support the legacy order event interface firewall
The CMF risk firewall provides a mechanism to evaluate and potentially block orders based on a set of rules/criteria.
The CMF risk firewall is not designed to be a security firewall, and will not prevent malicious users of an application from circumventing the risk firewall to place orders directly.
To use the risk firewall, you must add the Risk Firewall bundle to your application. To use the risk firewall default rule classes, you must also add the Risk Firewall Rules bundle to your application.