
Log formatting classes that can be used or customized from the project configuration, including support for colored output on the console.


class pysys.utils.logutils.BaseLogFormatter(propertiesDict)[source]

Bases: logging.Formatter

Base class for formatting log messages.

This implementation delegates everything to logging.Formatter using the messagefmt and datefmt properties. Subclasses may be implemented to provide required customizations, and can be registered by specifying classname in the formatter node of the project configuration file.

classmethod tag(category, arg_index=None)[source]

Return dictionary to tag a string to format with color encodings.

  • category – The category, as defined in ColorLogFormatter.COLOR_CATEGORIES

  • arg_index – The index of argument in the string expansion to color. This can be either a single integer value representing the index, or a list of integers representing a set of indexes to be colored. Note that format arguments for coloring must be of string type.


A dictionary that can then be used in calls to the logger


class pysys.utils.logutils.ColorLogFormatter(propertiesDict)[source]

Bases: pysys.utils.logutils.BaseLogFormatter

Formatter supporting colored output to a console.

This implementation supports color coding of messages based on the category of the message, and the index of the string in the format encoding. This implementation is the default for console output, with the color coding enabled either by the color option on the formatter set to true.

The PYSYS_COLOR environment variable can be set to true or false, overriding any setting specified in the project configuration.

The colors used for each category defined by this class can be overridden by specifying “color:XXX” options, e.g.:

<formatter><property name="color:dumped core" value="YELLOW"/></formatter>
  • COLOR_CATEGORIES (dict(str,str)) – the color map for the defined logging categories

  • COLOR_ESCAPE_CODES (dict(str,str)) – the escape codes for each of the support colors


Return the escape sequence to be used for the specified category of logging output.


category – The category of the log message


The escape sequence

static configureANSIEscapeCodes(bright=None)[source]

Sets the ANSI escape codes to be used, either using the extended “bright” colors that look better, or the more widely supported standard ones.

Called during startup, but can also be programatically invoked later


bright – set to False to force only the basic (30-39) codes or True to use the better-looking 90-99 bright codes which are not supported by all terminals. Default is bright=False, but can be overridden by the PYSYS_COLOR_BASIC environment var.


Format a log record for logging, returning the new value.


record – The message to be formatted


The formatted message ready for logging

formatArg(category, arg)[source]

Format a single argument within a record, based on its category.

  • category – The logging category

  • arg – The argument within the record.


Format an exception for logging, returning the new value.


exc_info – The exception info


The formatted message ready for logging


Initialize any python library required for ensuring ANSI escape sequences can be processed.

The default implementation does nothing on Unix but on Windows attempts to load the “Colorama” library if is is present (unless the environment variable PYSYS_DISABLE_COLORAMA=true is set).



Remove any ANSI escape sequences (for example to set console color) present in the specified string.

..versionadded:: 1.6.0



Writes the specified bytes or (preferably) unicode character string to stdout, avoiding any redirection to loggers performed by PySys, and performing replacements if needed based on the characters supported by the stdout encoding, and with support for output coloring using escape sequences (if enabled in PySys).

In most cases a logger should be used for output from PySys, but this function is provided as a way to write to stdout for cases where it is truly needed, such as unconditionally writing status messages to a CI system.


s – a unicode or bytes string. A newline will be added automatically.