
Mappers that filter or transform lines of input, for use with methods such as pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy.

RegexReplace(regex, replacement)

Mapper that transforms lines by replacing all character sequences matching the specified regular expression.

IncludeLinesBetween([startAt, stopAfter, …])

Mapper that filters out all lines except those within a range of expressions.


Mapper that filters lines by including only lines matching the specified regular expression.


Mapper that filters lines by excluding/ignoring lines matching the specified regular expression.

New in version 1.6.0.


class pysys.mappers.RegexReplace(regex, replacement)[source]

Bases: object

Mapper that transforms lines by replacing all character sequences matching the specified regular expression.

For example:

self.copy('myfile.txt', 'myfile-processed.txt', mappers=[RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')])
  • regex (str|compiled_regex) – The regular expression to search for.

  • replacement (str) – The string to replace it with. This can contain backslash references to groups in the regex; see re.sub() in the Python documentation for more information.

>>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00.')
'Test string x=<timestamp>.'
>>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234.')
'Test string x=<timestamp>.'
>>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=20200715T192234Z.')
'Test string x=<timestamp>.'
>>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=123.')
'Test string x=<number>.'
>>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=-12.45e+10.')
'Test string x=<number>.'
DATETIME_REGEX = '(([0-9]{1,4}[/-][0-9]{1,2}[/-][0-9]{2,4}[ T]?)?[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]+|Z|[+-][0-9][0-9](:[0-9][0-9])?)?|[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}(Z|[+-][0-9][0-9]:)?)'

A regular expression that can be used to match timestamps in ISO 8601 format and other common alternatives such as: “2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00”, “5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234”, “20200715T192234Z”

NUMBER_REGEX = '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?'

Mapper that transforms lines, replacing all integer or floating point numbers with “<number>”.

This is useful for removing ids that would diff-ing files more difficult, if you only care about validating the non-numeric text.


class pysys.mappers.IncludeLinesBetween(startAt=None, stopAfter=None, stopBefore=None)[source]

Bases: object

Mapper that filters out all lines except those within a range of expressions.

This is useful when a log file contains lots of data you don’t care about, in addition to some multi-line sequences that you want to extract (with pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy) ready for pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertDiff.

As this mapper is stateful, so not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads).

The following parameters can be either a callable/lambda that accepts an input line and returns a boolean, or a regular expression string to search for in the specified line.

  • startAt (str|callable[str]->bool) – If it matches then the current line and subsequent lines are included (not filtered out). If not specified, lines from the start of the file onwards are matched.

  • stopAfter (str|callable[str]->bool) – If it matches then lines after the current one are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Includes the stop line.

  • stopBefore (str|callable[str]->bool) – If it matches then this line and lines after it are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Excludes the stop line.

>>> def test_IncludeLinesBetween(mapper, input): return ','.join(x for x in (mapper(line) for line in input.split(',')) if x is not None)
>>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween('start.*', 'stopafter.*'), 'a,start line,b,c,stopafter line,d,start line2,e')
'start line,b,c,stopafter line,start line2,e'
>>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(startAt='start.*'), 'a,start line,b,c')
'start line,b,c'
>>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(stopAfter='stopafter.*'), 'a,stopafter,b,c')
>>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(stopBefore='stopbefore.*'), 'a,b,stopbefore,c')


class pysys.mappers.IncludeLinesMatching(regex)[source]

Bases: object

Mapper that filters lines by including only lines matching the specified regular expression.


regex (str|compiled_regex) – The regular expression to match (use .* at the beginning to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using (expr1|expr2) syntax.

>>> IncludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar')
'Foo bar'
>>> IncludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar') is None


class pysys.mappers.ExcludeLinesMatching(regex)[source]

Bases: object

Mapper that filters lines by excluding/ignoring lines matching the specified regular expression.


regex (str|compiled_regex) – The regular expression to match (use .* at the beginning to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using (expr1|expr2) syntax.

>>> ExcludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar') is None
>>> ExcludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar')
'Foo bar'