Source code for pysys.mappers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# PySys System Test Framework, Copyright (C) 2006-2020 M.B. Grieve

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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Mappers that filter or transform lines of input, for use with methods such as `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy`. 

.. autosummary::

.. versionadded:: 1.6.0

import logging
import re
from pysys.utils.pycompat import isstring

log = logging.getLogger('pysys.mappers')

[docs]class RegexReplace(object): """ Mapper that transforms lines by replacing all character sequences matching the specified regular expression. For example:: self.copy('myfile.txt', 'myfile-processed.txt', mappers=[RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')]) :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to search for. :param str replacement: The string to replace it with. This can contain backslash references to groups in the regex; see ``re.sub()`` in the Python documentation for more information. >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00.') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234.') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>')('Test string x=20200715T192234Z.') 'Test string x=<timestamp>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=123.') 'Test string x=<number>.' >>> RegexReplace(RegexReplace.NUMBER_REGEX, '<number>')('Test string x=-12.45e+10.') 'Test string x=<number>.' """ DATETIME_REGEX = '(%s)'%'|'.join([ '([0-9]{1,4}[/-][0-9]{1,2}[/-][0-9]{2,4}[ T]?)?[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}([.][0-9]+|Z|[+-][0-9][0-9](:[0-9][0-9])?)?', '[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{6}(Z|[+-][0-9][0-9]:)?', ]) """A regular expression that can be used to match timestamps in ISO 8601 format and other common alternatives such as: "2020-07-15T19:22:34+00:00", "5/7/2020 19:22:34.1234", "20200715T192234Z" """ NUMBER_REGEX = '[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' """Mapper that transforms lines, replacing all integer or floating point numbers with "<number>". This is useful for removing ids that would diff-ing files more difficult, if you only care about validating the non-numeric text. """ def __init__(self, regex, replacement): self.__str = 'RegexReplace(%s, %s)'%(regex, replacement) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex self.repl = replacement def __call__(self, line): return self.regex.sub(self.repl, line) def __repr__(self): return self.__str
[docs]class IncludeLinesBetween(object): """ Mapper that filters out all lines except those within a range of expressions. This is useful when a log file contains lots of data you don't care about, in addition to some multi-line sequences that you want to extract (with `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.copy`) ready for `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.assertDiff`. As this mapper is stateful, so not use a single instance of it in multiple tests (or multiple threads). The following parameters can be either a callable/lambda that accepts an input line and returns a boolean, or a regular expression string to search for in the specified line. :param str|callable[str]->bool startAt: If it matches then the current line and subsequent lines are included (not filtered out). If not specified, lines from the start of the file onwards are matched. :param str|callable[str]->bool stopAfter: If it matches then lines after the current one are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Includes the stop line. :param str|callable[str]->bool stopBefore: If it matches then this line and lines after it are filtered out (unless/until a line matching startAt is found). Excludes the stop line. >>> def test_IncludeLinesBetween(mapper, input): return ','.join(x for x in (mapper(line) for line in input.split(',')) if x is not None) >>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween('start.*', 'stopafter.*'), 'a,start line,b,c,stopafter line,d,start line2,e') 'start line,b,c,stopafter line,start line2,e' >>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(startAt='start.*'), 'a,start line,b,c') 'start line,b,c' >>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(stopAfter='stopafter.*'), 'a,stopafter,b,c') 'a,stopafter' >>> test_IncludeLinesBetween( IncludeLinesBetween(stopBefore='stopbefore.*'), 'a,b,stopbefore,c') 'a,b' """ def __init__(self, startAt=None, stopAfter=None, stopBefore=None): self.__str = 'IncludeLinesBetween(%s)'%', '.join('%s=%s'%(k, repr(v)) for (k,v) in { 'startAt':startAt, 'stopAfter':stopAfter, 'stopBefore':stopBefore, }.items() if v is not None) if startAt is not None and not callable(startAt): self.startAt = lambda line, startAt=startAt:, line) is not None else: self.startAt = startAt if stopAfter is not None and not callable(stopAfter): self.stopAfter = lambda line:, line) is not None else: self.stopAfter = stopAfter or (lambda line: False) if stopBefore is not None and not callable(stopBefore): self.stopBefore = lambda line:, line) is not None else: self.stopBefore = stopBefore or (lambda line: False) self.__including = self.startAt is None def __repr__(self): return self.__str def fileStarted(self, srcPath, destPath, srcFile, destFile): # reset every time we start a new file self.__including = self.startAt is None def __call__(self, line): if self.__including: if self.stopAfter(line): self.__including = False if self.stopBefore(line): self.__including = False return None return line else: if self.startAt is not None and self.startAt(line): self.__including = True return line return None
[docs]class IncludeLinesMatching(object): """ Mapper that filters lines by including only lines matching the specified regular expression. :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to match (use ``.*`` at the beginning to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using ``(expr1|expr2)`` syntax. >>> IncludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar') 'Foo bar' >>> IncludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar') is None True """ def __init__(self, regex): self.__str = 'IncludeLinesMatching(%s)'%(regex) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex def __call__(self, line): return None if self.regex.match(line) is None else line def __repr__(self): return self.__str
[docs]class ExcludeLinesMatching(object): """ Mapper that filters lines by excluding/ignoring lines matching the specified regular expression. :param str|compiled_regex regex: The regular expression to match (use ``.*`` at the beginning to allow extra characters at the start of the line). Multiple expressions can be combined using ``(expr1|expr2)`` syntax. >>> ExcludeLinesMatching('Foo.*')('Foo bar') is None True >>> ExcludeLinesMatching('bar.*')('Foo bar') 'Foo bar' """ def __init__(self, regex): self.__str = 'ExcludeLinesMatching(%s)'%(regex) self.regex = re.compile(regex) if isstring(regex) else regex def __call__(self, line): return None if self.regex.match(line) is not None else line def __repr__(self): return self.__str