Capital Markets Adapters 10.5 | Apama Capital Markets Adapters Documentation 10.5 | Apama Base FIX Adapter | FIX service monitors | Server session | Order server | ScenarioOrderService
The ScenarioOrderService is designed around the notion of a scenario order handler which is an object that translates order events for a particular scenario. The scenario order service can contain many handlers and therefore can manage many scenarios simultaneously. A handler is configured by sending in the following event:
com.apama.scenarios.ScenarioOrderHandler {
  string id;
  string scenarioId;
  dictionary<string,string> inputMap;
  dictionary<string,string> outputMap;
  dictionary<string,string> configuration;
The id allows the handler to be referenced, the scenarioId references the scenario to be used, the input and output maps define the mapping between orders and scenario instances (see Figure ) and the configuration defines the runtime behavior. Note, the scenario referenced by the scenario id must be loaded at the time this event is received as the input/output maps will be validated against the scenario definition.
When a new order event is received the handler id must be specified in the brokerId field. If the broker is not specified or the handler cannot be found the order is rejected.
FIX Order Service