Event CompiledPattern

An event providing a time-parser object that you can then use to make multiple calls using its parseTime() function, specifying the date/time string to be parsed.

Reusing a CompiledPattern object is significantly more efficient than providing the same time pattern (format) in multiple calls to parse functions defined on the TimeFormat event object.
Action summary
 floatparseTime(string timeDate)

Parses the timeDate string according to the format provided by this time/date parser event object returning the result as a float of seconds since the epoch, or NaN if it cannot parse the specified string.
Action detail


float parseTime(string timeDate)
Parses the timeDate string according to the format provided by this time/date parser event object returning the result as a float of seconds since the epoch, or NaN if it cannot parse the specified string.

For more information about the return value, see the description of "Time Format plug-in parse functions" in "Developing Apama Applications."
timeDate - String that represents a time and/or a date.
The resulting value of seconds since the epoch.