Event JMSConnectionStatus

A notification event sent to an EPL application when a configured JMS connection encounters an error or changes state.

This event includes string constants for each supported status.

Note that all notification events will be held back until JMS.onApplicationInitialized() has been called.
Constant summary

The status value indicating that the Correlator-JMS runtime is trying to establish an initial connection.
 stringERROR := "ERROR"

The status value indicating that the connection is not available due to some non-fatal error condition; the Correlator-JMS runtime will keep retrying in the background.
 stringOK := "OK"

The status value indicating that the Correlator-JMS runtime is fully connected to the JMS broker with a valid JMS Connection object.
Member summary

The unique identifier of the JMS connection.

An enumeration value specifying the status of the connection. The values in the enumeration are provided as constants in this event.

A user-readable string specifying the cause of the error. This should always be a non-empty string when the status is "ERROR".

Additional status information items. None are currently supported.
Constant detail


The status value indicating that the Correlator-JMS runtime is trying to establish an initial connection.


string ERROR := "ERROR"
The status value indicating that the connection is not available due to some non-fatal error condition; the Correlator-JMS runtime will keep retrying in the background.


string OK := "OK"
The status value indicating that the Correlator-JMS runtime is fully connected to the JMS broker with a valid JMS Connection object.
Member detail


string connectionId
The unique identifier of the JMS connection.


string errorMessage
A user-readable string specifying the cause of the error. This should always be a non-empty string when the status is "ERROR".


Additional status information items. None are currently supported.


string status
An enumeration value specifying the status of the connection. The values in the enumeration are provided as constants in this event.

If the status is OK then the connection is up.