Event JMSAppControlledReceivingSuspended

A notification event sent to an EPL application every time an APP_CONTROLLED receiver suspends, at the end of each message batch.

The application should respond by taking whatever action is required to ensure that the messages received since the last suspend or the output events/state changes resulting from processing them have been reliably stored in another system (e.g. sent and flushed to a downstream JMS destination, or committed to a database or distributed MemoryStore).

Once these operations have completed the application should call JMSReceiver.appControlledAcknowledgeAndResume() to signal that the message batch can be acknowledged to JMS (i.e. no longer needs to be retained for possible resending in the event of crash) and that receiving can resume.

This event will be sent to the same context(s) that are handling the messages from this receiver. The event will be sent at the end of every message 'batch' (see "maxBatchSize" in the documentation for more details).
See Also:
com.apama.correlator.jms.JMSReceiver#appControlledAcknowledgeAndResume() - 

Member summary

The unique identifier of the suspended receiver.
Member detail


string receiverId
The unique identifier of the suspended receiver.