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Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants Struct Reference


Public Attributes

const string EXTRA_PARAMS_METADATA_PREFIX = "Metadata:"
 Prefix for identifying metadata entries in the IScenarioDefinition.ExtraParams Dictionary. Entries with key names prefixed by the EXTRA_PARAMS_METADATA_PREFIX String are considered metadata entries. More...
const string PropertyInstanceAdded = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceAdded"
 Property name for events fired that signal a new ScenarioInstance has been added. More...
const string PropertyInstanceDied = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceDied"
 Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has died unexpectedly. More...
const string PropertyInstanceDiscoveryStatus = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceDiscoveryStatus"
 Property name for events fired that signal the status of the internal mechanism for discovering scenario instances in the Correlator. More...
const string PropertyInstanceEdited = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceEdited"
 Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has been edited. More...
const string PropertyInstanceRemoved = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceRemoved"
 Property name for events fired that signal an existing ScenarioInstance has been removed. More...
const string PropertyInstanceStateChange = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceStateChanged"
 Property name for events fired that signal an existing ScenarioInstance has changed state. More...
const string PropertyInstanceUpdated = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceUpdated"
 Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has been updated. More...

Detailed Description

When a client listener receives a PropertyChangeEvent from this interface, the following describes the type of the [old/new] value that is passed with the event:

Property name Property Value
PropertyInstanceAdded IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceDied IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceEdited IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceUpdated IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceRemoved IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceStateChange IScenarioInstance
PropertyInstanceDiscoveryStatus DiscoveryStatus

Member Data Documentation

const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.EXTRA_PARAMS_METADATA_PREFIX = "Metadata:"

Prefix for identifying metadata entries in the IScenarioDefinition.ExtraParams Dictionary. Entries with key names prefixed by the EXTRA_PARAMS_METADATA_PREFIX String are considered metadata entries.

See also
const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceAdded = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceAdded"

Property name for events fired that signal a new ScenarioInstance has been added.

const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceDied = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceDied"

Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has died unexpectedly.

const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceDiscoveryStatus = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceDiscoveryStatus"

Property name for events fired that signal the status of the internal mechanism for discovering scenario instances in the Correlator.

See also
const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceEdited = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceEdited"

Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has been edited.

const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceRemoved = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceRemoved"

Property name for events fired that signal an existing ScenarioInstance has been removed.

const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceStateChange = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceStateChanged"

Property name for events fired that signal an existing ScenarioInstance has changed state.

See also
const string Apama.Services.Scenario.ScenarioDefinitionConstants.PropertyInstanceUpdated = "Apama.Services.Scenario.IScenarioDefinition.InstanceUpdated"

Property name for events fired that signal a ScenarioInstance has been updated.

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