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Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement Interface Reference

ICorrelatorManagement is the interface for all management operations that can be performed on an Apama Correlator. More...

Inherits IBaseClient.

Inherited by Apama.Engine.Client.IEngineClient.

Public Member Functions

void CancelDeleteFileRead ()
 Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Kill operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of events from file, when the deleteNamesFromFile() or killNamesFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the Name deleting loop will terminate at the next iteration. More...
EngineInfo GetEngineInfo ()
 Get the most recently recorded inspection information. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known information as collected by the internal worker thread, if that thread is running. More...
EngineInfo GetRemoteEngineInfo ()
 Request the remote Engine inspection info. This method will not store the inspection result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
EngineStatus GetRemoteStatus ()
 Request the remote Engine status. This method will not store the status result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void KillName (string name)
 Kill a named monitor from the engine. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void KillNames (params string[] names)
 Kill a number of named monitors. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void KillNamesFromFile (params string[] fileNames)
 Kill a number of named monitors from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void KillNamesFromFile (string[] fileNames, bool utf8)
 Kill a number of named monitors from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void StartInspectPollingThread ()
 Start the local inspect polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void StartStatusPollingThread ()
 Start the local status polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection. More...
void StopInspectPollingThread ()
 Stop the local inspect polling thread. More...
void StopStatusPollingThread ()
 Stop the local status polling thread. More...


int InspectPollingInterval [get, set]
 Get/set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information. More...
EngineStatus Status [get]
 Get the most recently recorded status. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known status as collected by the internal worker thread. More...
int StatusPollingInterval [get, set]
 Get/set the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information. More...

Detailed Description

ICorrelatorManagement is the interface for all management operations that can be performed on an Apama Correlator.

See also

See Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientConstants for constants used by this interface.

Member Function Documentation

void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.CancelDeleteFileRead ( )

Setter for the cancelFileRead property for the Kill operations. The purpose of the cancelFileRead property is to provide a mechanism to cleanly terminate the processing of events from file, when the deleteNamesFromFile() or killNamesFromFile() method is in progress. When cancelFileRead is set to true, the Name deleting loop will terminate at the next iteration.

EngineInfo Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.GetEngineInfo ( )

Get the most recently recorded inspection information. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known information as collected by the internal worker thread, if that thread is running.

the most recently recorded EngineInfo object. To be informed whenever the information changes, register a property change listener.
EngineInfo Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.GetRemoteEngineInfo ( )

Request the remote Engine inspection info. This method will not store the inspection result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

the information found as obtained by directly inspecting the Engine.
Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
EngineStatus Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.GetRemoteStatus ( )

Request the remote Engine status. This method will not store the status result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

The status as obtained directly from an Engine.
Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.KillName ( string  name)

Kill a named monitor from the engine. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

nameThe name to be deleted.
Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.KillNames ( params string[]  names)

Kill a number of named monitors. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

namesNames to be deleted.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.KillNamesFromFile ( params string[]  fileNames)

Kill a number of named monitors from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

fileNamesNames of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.KillNamesFromFile ( string[]  fileNames,
bool  utf8 

Kill a number of named monitors from a file or stdin. Note that this will kill running monitors in such as way as to break the fault tolerance scheme. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

fileNamesNames of files to read Names from. A file name "-" is taken to be stdin.
utf8If true, the specified files will be read as UTF-8; otherwise they will be read using the system default encoding unless they begin with a unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character.
Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.StartInspectPollingThread ( )

Start the local inspect polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.StartStatusPollingThread ( )

Start the local status polling thread. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.

Apama.EngineExceptionThrown if any exceptions occur in the Client SDK.
void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.StopInspectPollingThread ( )

Stop the local inspect polling thread.

void Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.StopStatusPollingThread ( )

Stop the local status polling thread.

Property Documentation

int Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.InspectPollingInterval

Get/set the inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.

Polling interval in milliseconds.
EngineStatus Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.Status

Get the most recently recorded status. Note that calling this method does NOT invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known status as collected by the internal worker thread.

the most recently status object. To be informed whenever the status changes, register a property change listener.
int Apama.Engine.Client.ICorrelatorManagement.StatusPollingInterval

Get/set the statusPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new status information.

Polling interval in milliseconds.
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