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Apama.Event.EventListenerAdapter Class Reference

EventListenerAdapter is a class that provides a skeletal implementation of the IEventListener interface to minimize effort required to implement the interface. More...

Inherits Apama.Event.IEventListener.

Public Member Functions

virtual void HandleEvent (Event evt)
 Simple no-op implementation of the interface method. More...
virtual void HandleEvents (Event[] events)
 Simple implementation of the interface method that calls HandleEvent(Event) for each item in the array. More...

Detailed Description

EventListenerAdapter is a class that provides a skeletal implementation of the IEventListener interface to minimize effort required to implement the interface.

This class should only be used for legacy applications; HandleEventCallback provides a better and more idiomatic way to do event listening.

This class provides a simple no-op implementation of the HandleEvent(Event) method, and an implementation of the HandleEvents(Event[]) that calls the single HandleEvent(Event) method for each event in the array.

To provide a concrete implementation, the programmer needs only to extend this class to override HandleEvent(Event).

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Apama.Event.EventListenerAdapter.HandleEvent ( Event  evt)

Simple no-op implementation of the interface method.

Implements Apama.Event.IEventListener.

virtual void Apama.Event.EventListenerAdapter.HandleEvents ( Event[]  events)

Simple implementation of the interface method that calls HandleEvent(Event) for each item in the array.

Implements Apama.Event.IEventListener.

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