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Overview of contexts in JMon applications
The Apama JMon API provides the com.apama.jmon.Context type. This class corresponds to the EPL context type, but with a more limited set of features:
*A JMon event definition can contain a Context type field. This lets you transfer a reference to a context to and from an Apama JMon application. You cannot pass context references between the correlator and your Apama JMon application on their own.
*You can enqueue events to
*Particular contexts:Event.enqueueTo(Context c)
*A list or array of contexts:
Event.enqueueTo(java.util.List<Context> ctxList)
Event.enqueueTo(Context[] ctxList)
See Emitting, routing, and enqueuing events.
*You can call Context.getCurrent() to obtain a reference to the context that a piece of code is running in. See Obtaining context references.
*The Context class provides accessor methods for context properties such as context name and context ID.

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