Apama 10.3 | Apama Documentation | Using Apama with Software AG Designer | Working with Projects | Exporting project information | Exporting correlator deployment packages
Exporting correlator deployment packages
You can export a project's EPL (.mon, .qry, .evt, and .cdp files) to a correlator deployment package (CDP). The CDP files use a proprietary, non-plaintext format that treats EPL files in a manner similar to the way a JAR file treats a collection of Java files.
Note: If a license file cannot be found, the correlator cannot read user-generated CDPs. See Running Apama without a license file.
If you want to create a CDP containing all the files for a given correlator, you can select the default launch configuration.
If you want to create a CDP containing only a subset of the project's files, you must create a dedicated launch configuration before opening the CDP export wizard.
Note: When you upgrade to a new major version of the product, you must regenerate any CDP that was created by exporting the EPL files from the previous version.
* To export a CDP
1. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the project and select Export from the pop-up menu.
2. In the Export dialog, expand Software AG.
3. Select Export as Correlator Deployment Package and click Next.
4. In the Correlator Deployment Package wizard:
*Launch Configuration. Select the launch configuration that you want to export using the Browse button.
*Correlator. Select the required correlator in the launch configuration from the drop-down list. If there are multiple correlators in the launch configuration, you must select the required correlator.
*Package filename. Specifies the name of the CDP file you want to create. Use the Browse button to navigate to the desired location.
5. Click Finish.
CDPs generated by this wizard can be used by Command Central. See Configuration types that the Apama correlator supports.
For more information, see Deploying a correlator.

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