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Apama.Engine.NamedContextInfo Class Reference

This class provides access to a snapshot of information about a Context that is/was live in the engine. More...

Inherits Apama.Engine.NameInfo.

Public Member Functions

 NamedContextInfo (string name, string package, string qualifiedName, uint numSubMonitors, uint queueSize, string[] channels)
 Constructor for NamedContextInfo More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apama.Engine.NameInfo
override string ToString ()
 Returns the fully qualified name of the item. More...


string[] Channels [get]
 Get the channels subscriptions for this Context More...
uint NumSubMonitors [get]
 Get the number of sub-monitors for this Context More...
uint QueueSize [get]
 Get the current queue size for this Context More...
- Properties inherited from Apama.Engine.NameInfo
string FullyQualifiedName [get]
 Get the fully qualified name of the item. This is the concatenation of the package, the dot separator, and the name. More...
string Name [get]
 Get the name of the item. This is the "unqualified" name. More...
string Package [get]
 Get the package in which the item is installed. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides access to a snapshot of information about a Context that is/was live in the engine.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Apama.Engine.NamedContextInfo.NamedContextInfo ( string  name,
string  package,
string  qualifiedName,
uint  numSubMonitors,
uint  queueSize,
string[]  channels 

Constructor for NamedContextInfo

nameThe name of the Context
packageThe package name of the Context
qualifiedNameThe qualified name of the Context
numSubMonitorsThe number of sub monitors in the Context
queueSizeThe Context queueSize
channelsThe Context channels

Property Documentation

string [] Apama.Engine.NamedContextInfo.Channels

Get the channels subscriptions for this Context

uint Apama.Engine.NamedContextInfo.NumSubMonitors

Get the number of sub-monitors for this Context

uint Apama.Engine.NamedContextInfo.QueueSize

Get the current queue size for this Context

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