Package com.apama.cumulocity

Event summary
AlarmAlarm data.
ErrorSent in the case of any error.
EventEvent data.
FindAlarmFind an Alarm, searching on source, status and type.
FindAlarmResponseAn alarm has been found.
FindAlarmResponseAckCompleted search for alarms.
FindEventFind an Event, searching on source, status and type.
FindEventResponseAn event has been found.
FindEventResponseAckCompleted search for events.
FindManagedObjectFind ManagedObject (that is, devices).
FindManagedObjectResponseAn managed object has been found.
FindManagedObjectResponseAckCompleted search for Managed object.
FindMeasurementFind a Measurement, searching on source, type, fragementType.
FindMeasurementResponseA measurement has been found.
FindMeasurementResponseAckCompleted search for Measurement.
FindOperationFind an Operation, searching on source, status, fragementType and agent.
FindOperationResponseAn operation has been found.
FindOperationResponseAckCompleted search for Operation.
ManagedObjectDescription of a device or other Managed Object.
MeasurementMeasurement data.
MeasurementValueMeasurement value.
OperationAn operation to send to a device.
RequestAllDevicesRequest all Managed Objects to be sent.
RequestAllDevicesCompleteSent at the end of a RequestAllDevices stream of events.
SendEmailSends email alert.
SendSMSSends SMS alert.
SendSpeechSends speech.
SMSResourceReferenceSMS resource reference.
SMSResponseSMS response.
SubscribeSubscribe to measurements/events/alarms/operations/managedObjects.
SubscribeMeasurementsSubscribe to measures. The equivalent of sending SubscribeMeasurements("*") at hostReady can be achieved by setting configuration subscribeToAllMeasures to true.
UnsubscribeUnsubscribe from measurements/events/alarms/managedObjects/operations.
UnsubscribeMeasurementsUnsubscribe from measures.
UtilCumulocity Utilities.