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Apama.Event.EventConsumer Class Reference

An EventConsumer can connect to the Engine through an EventSupplier and register to receive events. In order to receive events from the Engine, a developer must inherit from this class and define its SendEvents method. This method is called by the EventSupplier when events are emitted from the Engine. More...

Inherits IDisposable.

Inherited by Apama.Engine.EngineManagement, and Apama.Event.DisconnectableEventConsumer.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Dispose ()
 Must be called to free unmanaged resources associated with this object. More...
virtual void SendEvents (Event[] events)
 This method must be defined in inherited classes to enable receiving of events. This method is called by an EventSupplier. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a string that represents the object. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 Virtual helper method to implement Dispose() More...

Detailed Description

An EventConsumer can connect to the Engine through an EventSupplier and register to receive events. In order to receive events from the Engine, a developer must inherit from this class and define its SendEvents method. This method is called by the EventSupplier when events are emitted from the Engine.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Apama.Event.EventConsumer.Dispose ( )

Must be called to free unmanaged resources associated with this object.

Reimplemented in Apama.Engine.EngineManagement, and Apama.Event.DisconnectableEventConsumer.

virtual void Apama.Event.EventConsumer.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

Virtual helper method to implement Dispose()

Reimplemented in Apama.Engine.EngineManagement, and Apama.Event.DisconnectableEventConsumer.

virtual void Apama.Event.EventConsumer.SendEvents ( Event[]  events)

This method must be defined in inherited classes to enable receiving of events. This method is called by an EventSupplier.

eventsAn array of Events to send

Reimplemented in Apama.Engine.EngineManagement.

override string Apama.Event.EventConsumer.ToString ( )

Returns a string that represents the object.

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