Incorporating Adabas Files

This document covers the following topics:

Prerequisites and Restrictions

  • A Predict database object for the Adabas database of the file must exist.

  • If Natural Security is installed and function protection for Predict is activated, access rights must be given.

  • Certain features of the Connect and Incorporate functions require Adabas Online Services to be active and Adabas Version 6 or above (see descriptions below).

See Concepts of Incorporation for basic information on how to use incorporation functions.

With partitioned or replicated files, a Predict file object can be implemented as several physical files. In this case, the database/file number of implemented files and corresponding Predict file objects need not be identical. Predict evaluates the Vista translation table to determine if an implemented file is documented with a Predict file object, even if the database/file numbers are not identical. Therefore, when incorporating partitioned files, only one implemented Adabas file can be incorporated using the Incorporate function. Other components of that file can then be connected with the incorporation function Connect. Both the functions Incorporate and Connect update the Vista translation table of the file.

Selecting Adabas Files

Selection criteria

Database number The physical number of the Adabas database in which the Adabas files to be incorporated reside.
Physical file number from/to Range of physical file numbers of the Adabas files to be incorporated.
Even if only FDT exists
Y A file is to be incorporated even if it has been deleted with the Keep FDT option.
N Only valid if the following conditions are met:
  • Adabas Online Services must be available;

  • The file to be incorporated must reside in a database of Adabas Version 6 or above;

  • The file to be incorporated must not have been deleted with the Keep FDT option, since it must have implementation data.

Update file attributes (connect option) /
File attributes (incorporation option)

Provided on a later page of the schema incorporation wizard (after the physical object has been selected from the drop-down list box). Determines which attributes of the data dictionary file object are to be updated. Provided that Adabas Online Services are available and the file to be connected or incorporated resides in a database of Adabas Version 6 or above, the following values can be specified:
R File attributes required when loading a file and any other file attributes specified in the data dictionary object.
O All file attributes including optional attributes not specified in the data dictionary object.
N No file attributes are to be updated.
Adabas password The password required to access the file if the file is protected by Adabas security. The password is not converted to upper case.

Files which meet the given selection criteria and are not already connected to a Predict file object are then provided in the drop-down list box on the next page of the schema incorporation wizard.

Information in the drop-down list box
PFnr Physical number of the file in the database.
Adabas name The name that was specified, either to the ADALOD utility or to Adabas Online Services, when the file was loaded into the database.
Predict File ID The ID of Predict file object of type A that may correspond to the Adabas files.
Remark Any of the following type-specific remarks or blank. In any of the following messages is displayed, the connect function cannot be executed. For type-independent remarks see Remarks which apply to all Object Types.
Partitioned master missing Documentation of Vista elements and entries in Vista translation table are different.
ISN range overlapping Predict file object with physical distribution type expanded is different.
Different components Predict file object with physical distribution type expanded is different. Vista elements and entries in Vista translation table are different.
Different Vista type Documentation of Vista elements and entries in Vista translation are different.
Different local definition Documentation of Vista elements and entries in Vista translation are different.

Incorporation Functions for Adabas Files

Valid functions:


Compares Adabas files and corresponding Predict file objects.


Connects Adabas file to the corresponding Predict file object and

  • copies information from the Adabas FCB to the Predict file object,

  • writes to the generation log of the object that a corresponding Adabas file existed when the connection was established.

  • adds or updates Vista elements according to Vista translation table (if applicable).

Specify the following parameters in an additional page of the schema incorporation wizard.

Connect Options
Update file attributes See the parameter table in Selecting Adabas Files for a description of this parameter.


Scope of the Incorporation

  • One Predict file object is created for each Adabas file. The Predict file objects are connected to the Adabas files.

  • The new file object is linked to the database object via association "Contains FI".

  • One field object is created for each field in the file. The ID assigned to each field object is created from the name of the field followed by either -GROUP for a group or -FIELD for a single field. A prefix and/or suffix specified with the parameters Field name prefix/suffix is/are added.

  • If the file is physically coupled, a relationship object is created for each coupling definition.

  • One Vista element (if applicable). If the file is accessible via several entries in the Vista translation table, the Vista element is created for the lowest logical file number.

  • If Adabas Online Services are active and the file is implemented in a database of Adabas Version 6 or above, information on the implementation of the file (space allocation, for example) is incorporated.

Specify the following parameters in an additional page of the schema incorporation wizard. Parameter File ID is mandatory, all other parameters are optional.

Incorporation Options
File ID ID of the new file object (mandatory). The Adabas name of the file is displayed and can be accepted or overwritten.
File attributes See the parameter table in Selecting Adabas Files for a description of this parameter.
Field name prefix Prefix of each field ID.
Field name suffix Suffix of each field ID.
List incorporated code
Y The values of all attributes incorporated for the file are to be listed.


The schema incorporation wizard uses the following keywords when showing the command that is to be processed:

Field Keyword
Database number DBNR
Physical file number from FROM-FNR
Physical file number to TO-FNR
Even if only FDT exists EVEN-ONLY-FDT

Update file attributes (connect option) /
File attributes (incorporation option)

Adabas password PSW
Field name prefix PREFIX
Field name suffix SUFFIX
List incorporated code LIST