Comparing DB2 Tables/Views

This document covers the following topics:

Prerequisites and Restrictions

DB2 must be installed. See the section DB2 and SQL/DS in the Predict and Other Systems documentation.

See also General Prerequisites for Comparison Functions.


Parameters for DB2 table/view

Check options
If check options are not set, compare functions will not reset the Modified after generation flag. See Resetting the Modified after generation Flag for more information.
File attributes
Y Attributes of the file are to be compared with the implementation of the file in DB2.
Y The field list of the file object is to be compared with the DB2 table or view.
List options
How attributes of the Predict file object are to be displayed.
Y All file attributes.
N No file attributes.
D Different: only file attributes whose Predict values differ from the implementation.
How fields linked to the Predict file object are to be displayed.
Y All fields.
N No fields.
D Different: only fields whose Predict definitions differ from the DB2 table or view.
Members using differences
Determines the amount of information to be displayed on members using fields that have been compared and whose Predict definition differs from the DB2 table or view.
Y Display the names and types of all members.
N Do not display members.
C Count the number of members per library.
Update options
File attributes
Y Attributes of the Predict file object and, for files of type E, the subselect specification of the SQL create statement are to be updated. The triggers linked to the file via association "Has TR" are also updated.
Field sequence
Y The field list is to be rearranged to match the sequence of the fields in the DB2 table or view.
Add fields
Y Fields in the DB2 table or view missing in the field list are to be inserted in the field list. Distinct types not already documented in standard file SAG-DISTINCT-TYPE will be added as fields. The connection between the standard field and the table field will be established.
Purge fields
Y Fields that are missing in the DB2 table or view are to be removed from the field list.
Field attributes

Attributes of the fields linked to the Predict file object are to be changed to match the DB2 table or view.

If a field has a connection to a standard field of SAG-DISTINCT-TYPE and the type definition differs from the DB2 catalog, the field attributes will be updated and the field will be marked non-standard.

For files of type E, the attributes that are to be updated include the subselect specification of the SQL create statement for each field. Comments of fields are not updated.